Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, March 23, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

We went to the community of Inajatuba. It is one and a half hours away from Itapiranga by boat, on the Uatumã river. My mother, father and I went there to talk about the messages of Our Lady and the apparitions to the people. It was the first time I saw the Uatumã River. How big and immense it is. We were in a small boat and had to cross it. I remembered a lot about Jesus when he had to go with his disciples to the villages where he lived in Galilee. When we got there we prayed the rosary with the people and Our Lady came immediately afterwards, giving us a message:
Peace be with you!
Dear children, I am your Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God and Queen of Peace.
Little children, pray, pray, pray. That is what I ask of you on this, this beautiful day. I, your Mother, beg you to listen and live all that I speak to you, for the times are of great urgency.
Little ones, Satan tries at all costs to take more souls to hell. Pray little ones, pray, pray, pray! Pray especially the holy rosary. The rosary keeps you from every danger and from the snares of satan.
Addressing the people of the community of Inajatuba, the Virgin said:
Here, to all those who are praying, I ask: that they consecrate themselves every day to my Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus. That they open their hearts and follow the path of holiness. I wish that they read the Bible every day and that they have a deep love for my Son Jesus. I bless everyone and especially the children. May mothers teach their children to pray the rosary and may my children (the fathers) devote themselves more to prayer. Especially, I would like the rosary to be prayed. Unite. Do not allow Satan to cause disunity among you. Pray, pray, pray. I am the Virgin of Peace, the Lady of the Holy Rosary and the Mystical Rose. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When we were returning to Itapiranga, there was a strong storm on the Uatumã River, just when we were still in the middle of it. Everything was filled with fog and we could not see the edge, where the land was. The man who was taking us said that we had to stand in the middle of the boat, otherwise we could sink in the middle of the Uatumã River. I saw that this storm was an attack of the devil who wanted to destroy us there at that moment. The boat was strongly agitated in the waters of the river. In the middle of it, the agitated waters formed waves. My mother was worried and distressed, and to calm her down I said:
Mom, remember the frightened apostles who were in the boat with Jesus and asked him to do
the storm calm down. Let us have faith and trust in the protection of Jesus and the Virgin and nothing bad will happen to us.
Ask Jesus:
Jesus, see we went to talk about your Mother's messages to the people of Inajatuba, to help spread the word about her apparitions. Won't you help us at this difficult time?
Having said this, all the storm has calmed down and everything has quieted down and returned to normal