Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, March 23, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

I am the Queen of Peace. Pray, pray, pray. Pray every day the holy rosary for the peace of the world and for the end of war.
I renew here in Itapiranga the same request that I made when I appeared to the three little shepherds in Fatima: do not offend God Our Lord anymore. Repent of your sins. In this Lent, purify yourselves of your sins and go to confession.
Children, pray the holy rosary. Each Hail Mary is a hard blow against Satan. May priests pray the rosary. Many do not pray it. Why not? I need your help. Help your Heavenly Mother, little children. Listen to my calls. Live my calls. If the people do not heed my appeals, they will suffer much, for to whom much has been given, much will be demanded.
Pray for Amazonas, for Brazil, and for the whole world. Do not despise the appeals I make to you, otherwise the Amazon will have much to suffer. Take my messages to all my children and to all Amazonas. Do not stand still. Help me. I really need your help.
There is no more time to lose. Spread my messages as soon as possible. My Immaculate Heart is continually offended and aggravated with thorns, because of so many sins being committed in the world today. See my Immaculate Heart!...
Our Lady showed us her Heart full of thorns.
He is your refuge and the safe path that will lead you to my Son Jesus. Have more love for this my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Disgrace my Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus. Meditate this Lent more on His Passion, for He suffered much and died on the Cross for love of you to save you from the mire of sin.
Taking a short pause, the Virgin continued to speak as if she was seeing an event happening further in the future:
Soon, here in this city, I will give a sign of my maternal presence, which all will have to see to believe. Many will repent and be converted. I call all my children to listen to the beating of my Heart, and to put into practice all that I have asked of them.
Go to Holy Mass. Do not abandon my Son Jesus who is alone in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Why haven't my children heard this appeal of mine yet? Why are they so indifferent to these Heavenly messages that I bring them? Pray with Me to the Father...
Our Lady prayed the Our Father at this moment and invited us to pray together with her.
How it pains my Heart to see that the Churches keep their doors closed all day, and that few, are those who go to the House of the Father to pray with love. Have more love for my Son Jesus. Don't be so indifferent. I don't want you to be like that. The Lord invites you to go to adore Him in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar and to have more love for the Holy Eucharist.
Don't despise so many graces. Soon, many will come to pray here in this city, and the Churches will be full. This is my desire, for I do not want my Son Jesus to be alone there in the tabernacle, waiting for you. Go and adore Him. Pray, pray, pray. Convert yourselves. Live my messages. I am the Queen of Peace, the Mother of God, the Lady of the Holy Rosary and Mystical Rose. I give you my peace, and I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.