Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, March 16, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, pray, pray, pray. I am the Queen of Peace, the Lady of the Holy Rosary and the Mystical Rose. Today I come again to invite you to true conversion, which is only possible for those who have definitively given their hearts to the Lord.
Little children, be converted. Change your lives every day for the better. Give your hearts to my Son Jesus. Do not turn away from me and my Son. We love you with a great love, which is eternal. You can at least understand this great Love of mine for each one of you. Do you understand what I am telling you, dear children? No, little children, you don't understand yet, because if you did, you would at least be trying to do something more for yourselves and for your brothers and sisters.
Pray, little children, to understand and to be able to understand my coming here among you. Pray a lot to the Divine Holy Spirit. Do not turn away from Him who is your Light, your True Knowledge, and your Life. Pray, asking for the gifts of the Holy Spirit for yourselves and for your brothers. If you knew what the Holy Spirit has in store for each of you, you would pray more to Him to change your lives. The Holy Spirit is all Love, is all Tenderness. May the Divine Spirit pour Himself upon each of you powerfully, and give you His Peace, His strength, and His Consolation. May He cover you with His Shadow and pour Himself out in fullness and in grace. Pray little ones, pray. I am the Virgin of Grace. Pray and I will ask and obtain from the Lord countless graces for each one of you. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.