Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, March 16, 1995
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

Beloved children of my Sacred Heart, pray.
I am your God and Savior, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray little ones, pray, pray. I need your love, so that I can save countless souls who are in danger of being eternally lost. Open your hearts. Pray for my Peace and my Light, so that you can be prepared for the great events that are to come. Prepare yourselves little children! Renounce yourselves and take up your Cross.
My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of your Blessed Mother are covered with a painful crown of thorns. Disgrace our Sacred Hearts, little ones. I love you with all the love that is in my Heart. Come to me and I will make you great fishers of souls.
Help me, little children, help me! I expect a little of your cooperation and a little of your love. Will you, by any chance, heed my plea? Will you hear my plea? Oh, little children, how sorry I am for this poor sinful humanity. How deaf men are to my heavenly appeals! Don't sleep, don't stop. Pray, pray, pray. Don't you know that you are living in the great moments that precede my coming among you? Be prepared, for the time is short and near. That is why I send you so many signs, and the most beautiful of all is my Heavenly Mother, who comes to teach you and educate you to live in my ways and in my teachings. Listen to her. Whoever listens to my Mother listens to me. Whoever obeys my Mother obeys me. The world is deaf and does not hear. Why? Why do they refuse and close their eyes and ears to what we ask of them? Are you tired already, little children? Don't you know that the times are very urgent? Pray and be vigilant, lest you fall into temptation. I the Lord bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
(¹) Here Jesus tells us that he "needs our love," not because he depends on us, that's not it. He is God and does not depend on and need anyone. Jesus is wanting to teach us, to know, to value love and to show us how much our love can help so many souls find salvation and the path to goodness. Many do not love, today, and allow themselves to be destroyed by hatred and lack of love. Jesus asks us to be apostles of His Divine Love in the world and to all men. Let us love, therefore, and spread the love of God wherever we go.