Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, February 11, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Manaus, AM, Brazil

Peace be with you!
Dear children, pray, pray, pray. Do not leave prayer aside.
Little children, today I place you all within my Immaculate Heart, and I bless you in an extraordinary way. I am your Mother, Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Queen of Peace and Queen of Light.
Dear children, pray much for the conversion of poor sinners. Many of my children will fall and many of them may even be in danger of eternal loss if there are no sacrifices to save them.
In these tormented days in which you live, the devil has captured many souls of my children in his hands, through the vice of impurity. Flee, dear children, from all impurity. Flee from any and all agitation, for agitation does not come from God. I am talking to you about the carnival, where many children will go with the intention of having fun, but they are very far from reaching that point, because the enemy is not foolish. He knows how to conquer them. And a very strong way he does this is through all kinds of impurity. Don't give in, my children! Conquer him. Fight him. Fight the enemy with the recitation of the holy rosary. Pray more, little ones! Confess your sins, little children! Go to Holy Mass with your heart pure, open to God. Jesus is your great friend. Count on Him in your difficulties. He is always at your side to help you. He, on this night, wants to give you His Message. Listen to Him:
Jesus, at this moment spoke:
Dear children of my Sacred Heart: pray!
Today, dear children, I invite you to purify your soul so that it will be every day more pure and beautiful. And you can only do this with Holy Confession. Confess your sins, little ones! Do not be afraid of Me, who is your God. I want every day to see you beautiful and beautiful, with a free and detached soul, so that I can win you for myself.
Little children, listen to what my Mother asks of you, for what she tells you comes directly from me and from my Father. Listen to what my Mother asks of you, and you will be happy here on earth, and later in the glory of heaven. I love you and all of you here present, and I bless you and place you in my Sacred Heart. Thank you, little children, for all that you do for me and for my Mother. Pray a lot for Pope John Paul II: this is my second request this evening. I bless everyone here present: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Our Lady spoke again:
Dear children, listen to my Son Jesus. Do everything He tells you. Open your hearts to Him. He loves you very much. Today, I the Immaculate Conception and your Mother, bless you all. Thank you, little children, for everything!
This year I will pour great graces here in this house from which you will glorify my Son Jesus until the end of your lives. This family is very dear to me and I and my Son Jesus Christ have a very special mission for them. This family lives within my Immaculate Heart. To all of you who come here to pray, to open your hearts, I pour out superabundant graces. I bless all your families and all those who have asked you to pray. I take your requests to Heaven and today, I will pray much for you before my Son Jesus.
(¹) Our Lady was referring to the place of the first apparitions in the house. This place is full of God's blessings and graces, for it is the place where she, the Mother of God, deigned to appear and bring her heavenly messages for the first time in the Amazon. Many people do not understand the sanctity and importance of this place in the eyes of God, because if they really understood they would be in this place always praying for themselves and their families, receiving thousands of graces through the intercession of the Virgin Mother of God.