Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, February 9, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Manaus, AM, Brazil

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I love you and I am your Mother, the Mother of Divine Light and Queen of Peace.
Today, dear children, I come to you represented by my image, as Mother of the Church, to ask you all to pray for all my priest children and especially for my first beloved son, Pope John Paul II.
Little children, pray the holy rosary a lot, so that the world will definitely find peace. Look, my little children! Look at how the world is today: wars at every moment, violence that increases every day, and look especially at the difficult and sad situation that some of your brothers in other cities of this Brazil are going through. They are suffering from the great floods that are occurring in the place where they live. Pray for them, my children! Pray a lot for them and thank the Lord for the peace that you are still having here in your state.
Don't just complain if in your everyday life you have some difficulties or some problems. Look at your brothers and sisters and you will see how little your problems are compared to theirs. All it takes is prayer and a total surrender to God, so that the Lord can help you, because He helps all those who seek Him with great love and an open heart.
Dear children, I am at your side to help you. Have faith. Increase your faith. God is with you. He loves you. Jesus today asks you to free yourself from the things that do not bring you joy and happiness.
Make sacrifices and penance for the conversion of the poor sinners. I have great plans for this city of yours (Manaus). Pray that all that I have planned may come true. I pour today over each one of you very special graces. I asked my Son Jesus to also pour the graces of His Mercy on you, and He heard me, so thank Him for all that He is doing for each one of you. Thank you little children, for all your prayers. I place you all here within my Immaculate Heart. Read the Holy Bible and go to Holy Mass. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.