Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

My children of America, call on all soldiers in Heaven who fought to keep America free from the beginning of your country. Ask them to come and do battle to take your country back from all the Communists, who are now trying to take over your country. All these evil people need to be locked up so they have time to repent and save their souls before the Warning.
Also, ask all the Brides of Christ in Heaven to come to earth and do battle against all the demons to cast them back into hell because I need all your free wills given back to Me to do this job and to save your country. Give your free will to Me and I will save America with My Bride, the Church, Our Lady of America, and Our Lady of Guadalupe with St. Joan of Arc as their leader. From Papa God and all of Heaven.
PS: I also ask all the people of the world and the Pope, Bishops, and Priests to Consecrate Russia and all the Communist countries to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Love, Papa God.