Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, December 3, 2020
Feast of Our Lady of Victory [Paris, France]

My love, My beautiful one and all My beloved children, this is Mary the Mother of God. I have asked My Father in Heaven to delay the Warning for a short time because of all the conflict in the election and also in the Democrat and Republican parties. It would be too much for all Our children to endure right now from the Warning and all the evil from the election. Keep praying because My children have now changed the balance of good over evil with all their Rosaries and prayers.
My children and priests on earth are now giving God their free will and all of Heaven can now do what God wants done. I thank all My prayer warriors for all they have done by making great sacrifices and repentance that has brought the balance of good over evil for Heaven against hell.
The Warning will be changed to a later date now. This is not a bad thing, it is a good thing to help lessen the Chastisement for America and the world. This shows, My children, how powerful it is when you give your free will to God and not to satan. God can do anything on earth that is good when He has been given the free will and prayers of His children. This gives God permission to do anything that is good. God can then cast all the evil and bad back into hell and release all the graces from Heaven to purify the whole world so His children can live in peace. Love from Mary, speaking words from God the Father.