Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Come Holy Spirit with Jesus’ Words with St. Michael as Guard and Protector

My beloved son, this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. My son, I am Jesus of Love and Mercy, but I am also Jesus of Justice. I told you before that to be love and mercy, I also have to be a Jesus of Justice; One does not go without the other.
As I have told you before, you are in the Great Tribulation. More disasters will happen very soon and they will be much more intense. Your country is not waking up, they are just grumbling and complaining instead of repenting. They are fighting against your new President just like they fought against all the past prophets. Something major has to happen that will shake and stop your whole country from being able to function in a normal way.
Your country and the world has lost obedience to their God and to each other. I have given you two good leaders as President and Vice President and the majority are still trying to stop them and condemn them for everything possible.
I will send justice from far and near to shut your country down to a standstill very soon. The door of the ark has just closed. Watch what the next 40 days bring you. You better pray hard and repent. Your Jesus of Love and Mercy.