Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Feast of Our Lady of the Bowed Head of Vienna, Austria
Come Holy Spirit and Blessed Mother with Your Words Only with St. Michael and All of Heaven as Guard and Protector of Your Words

My love and My most beautiful one and all My beautiful children. I know My son, you do not feel like writing, but Heaven and I need you to write. Tell all My children We still need more prayers, desperately, because satan and all the evil people are trying to take America down before they get any stronger and get more people back on track with God and Heaven.
I know all My children are suffering greatly now, but it will get much worse if My children all over the world do not start following the Ten Commandments of God the Father. You are very close to the repeat of Noah and the Flood time in past history. My children think they can do everything on their own and also their own way without God, but in all of the world and America, the chosen leaders have got to learn to listen and you must all band together as One Body in Christ with God as your leader.
I told you I gave you good leaders in Donald Trump and Mike Pence but they are only human and must have the majority of the people following them and the Ten Commandments. Abortion and killing of babies, homosexuality sins, and any sins of the flesh must stop now and they can only stop with the prayers of the people. If they do not stop now, America will go down just like the Roman empire who went down from the sins within their own country. America is deeply on that path and without more prayers within and outside of America, they will fall and be killed by the enemy. My Son wants to speak.
(Jesus) My children I have given you a new leader but he has been infiltrated by many evil people on the outside of his party and some within his party. There are many evil people that have paid high prices to take down your government and to tell lies about your president through your news media and also through occult leaders and many, many others including your church leaders that are controlled by the one world people and all the masons. They want to rule the whole world and destroy most of God’s children through evil people with dirty money. If it were possible, they would destroy all the world as soon as they can. Pray, pray, pray hard for a total breakdown of all the evil cults in America and all over the world. Do not doubt for one minute that Trump has been chosen and put into office by God the Father Himself to do what St Paul the Apostle did on earth. He stopped killing Christians, himself, and took up arms against all the cults, atheists, and all the evil people that would not follow God’s laws. Love, Jesus and Mary.