Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Monday, February 6, 2017
Come Blessed Mother with Your words only with St. Michael as guard and protector of Your son

My love, My most beautiful one and all My beloved children. I did call you this morning to write, My son. I come to tell you to warn all My children to be ready for the worst. You know that this is satan’s 100th year to try and destroy the Church. This was the time in history that My Son gave satan, the time to try and destroy the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. His power is starting to run out and he has not succeeded in doing what he wanted.
My beloved Son, Jesus, has now stepped in and allowed your new president to be elected because of all the prayers of the remnant faithful and all of Heaven’s prayers and He is working with you to change the world so you can enter the New Era of Peace soon if My beloved children keep praying and bringing many new people into the Army of Christ and His Mother Mary’s army.
Satan is very, very vicious now and he is fighting with all his might. He is trying to stir up all the people that were working for him as though he was their god. Now they are thinking twice and starting to see all the lies that satan has been feeding them and using them for his own good. They will continue to see more light of God and see more evil of satan and how bad he really is.
It will be hard for some of My children to change and admit these mistakes, but with all the prayers of My remnant faithful praying and all the grace that God saved for this generation while satan was busy using every ounce of power each minute of each day. Now, his bank account is now bankrupt and God’s bank account is running over with graces and the blood and water of the Crucifixion to start to open all My children’s eyes to the truth and the light of My Son, Jesus’ love and to see the evil and hatred of satan and all his enemies. Satan’s power will continue to fall all year and My Son’s light will continue to increase all year. You are in a very dangerous time now and in the heat of the main battle between Heaven and hell for the opening up of the thousand year Era of Peace.
My beloved remnant soldiers, keep fighting with your rosaries and Divine Mercy Chaplets and the Seven Sacraments and stay in the Ten Commandments and this battle will be over before you know it. It will be very hard like a mother in labor pains at the hardest time of the delivery but when she sees the new baby, her pains are forgotten and all she feels are the love and beauty of a new life and a beautiful baby. My children you are all My beloved babies and I love all of you very much. Love, the Mother of all life through My Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Please pray for souls in Purgatory and on earth and for protection from bad weather and natural disasters for the next six months. Love, Mother Mary.