Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Come Holy Spirit with St. Michael and all of Heaven as Protector of God’s Words

My most beloved son, this is God the Father of Heaven and earth. Thanks for putting the last message out quickly. Please tell your typist and secretary thanks for getting it out quickly. The prayers were needed to fulfill the inauguration without too much violence. The elite and one world people, with satan’s help, are trying to stop your God and your new leaders. You have now won two battles in the world war between Heaven and hell with all of Heaven’s help.
All of Heaven will continue to help all they can but the good people of earth have to pray and fast much to continue to win the battles between Heaven and hell so more souls are converted and keep joining My Mother’s army to help Her crush satan’s head and bring in the new Era of Peace. Keep praying My children because all of Heaven is with you in the biggest spiritual and physical battle in the history of the world. Love, God the Father. Amen