Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Friday, December 9, 2016
Come Holy Spirit with God’s words to His son with St. Michael as guard and protector of God’s words

My most beloved son this is God the Father of love and mercy. Thanks for all the souls you and all your prayer group and friends are bringing to their God. Tell your prayer group and all your beloved friends that I am very pleased with all their work this past year. I know that all of you have been suffering much because of the work you are doing. I want to tell you and all your friends that all of your work does not just go across your state but is reaching across all of the world. My children are forming together because of all the prayers of the prayer groups all over the world and My Mother’s army is getting larger each day.
I, God the Father, promise you that victory is not far off but there will still be much suffering for My children of America because of all the sins of America. Tell all My children to not lose heart or lose trust in their God. I AM God the Father and I have come down to earth to fulfill the mission that Jesus and Mary, My Mother and Son, started over two thousand years ago. I am very anxious to see this era of time to end and the New Era of Peace to begin.
This is a Christmas message to all My children. Satan’s power is running out and his hundred year reign, that he tried to destroy the Catholic Church, is about to end. Just be patient with your God because I know what I am doing to save the most souls in the long run. I have always told you that anything that moves fast will not last. I am leading all My remnant children to the thousand years of peace. Be patient and pray, pray, pray as My Mother and Son have told you.
The battle is all Mine and My remnant children who follow Me. I want all of you so please do not deny Me, your real God who made Heaven and earth. The battle has already been won by My Mother and Son. I, God the Father, have come down to the earth to finish this battle and take as many of My children with Me to Heaven or to the Era of Peace who will start living in My Will.
Pray, pray My remnant children for all My lost sheep. There will be some who will not follow because of hardness of heart just like Judas, one of the Apostles. But, with your prayers for them We will save the most with all the grace that I have saved for this era of time. Just keep asking for graces every day and also through the day for you and all of My children all over the world. You were all created by your Father and you are all brothers of sisters so treat each other as a brother or sister with love and peace. Love, the God of all. Merry Christmas 2016. God the Father. Amen.