Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Come Holy Trinity and all of Heaven with God the Father’s words to His children

My most beloved son, this is God the Father of Heaven and earth. I come to teach My children about the prophets and messengers of the past and today. My prophets and messengers are to warn My children of what is going to happen if they do not listen to My warnings. I have been sending My Mother and Son often the last few years to warn my people of future events if they keep living in satan’s sin. Their messages are warnings to you of what will happen if My children do not listen and turn back to the Ten Commandments.
Look at Jonah in the Bible and all the other prophets that came to warn My people. If the people listened to the prophets, the chastisement could be lessened and changed. But, if they did not listen to the prophets, all the warnings happened as I said. I keep warning My children just as a good father on earth keeps warning his children to save their souls. You cannot live in sin like America and all the world are living in sin very long without paying for it. Prayer can still lessen some of the effects of what is about to befall America and if the majority of the people would get on their knees and beg My forgiveness and put the Ten Commandments back into everything, some of the natural and physical disasters could be lessened.
I was very happy with your election but you must pray every day for your new leaders and pray hard because satan is like a wild dog cornered and he will do anything to kill and maim My children now. But remember that I am God the Father and I am in control and satan can do only what I permit because of the sins of My children. That is what free will permits, My children can save the world or destroy the world by the choices they make with the free will I give to them. You can take the free will I give to you and throw it back into My face and give it to satan and destroy the world and suffer much, or you can live in My Ten Commandments and give Me and your neighbor love, honesty and peace and save the world and be happy.
I am no different than a loving father who corrects his children over and over until the day he has to say, ‘enough is enough’ and he takes everything away from the children to teach them a lesson and then they have to say ‘yes’ to their father or ‘no’ to their father or go out and suffer the consequences of the evil world.
Please, My children change soon and go to Confession as Catholics or get down on your knees before Christmas and ask forgiveness for your sins with a forgiving heart or else pay the price of deep suffering. And, pray for all sinners because all My children are sinners because of original sin. Love, love, and more love, God the Father of Heaven and earth. Thanks, My son for writing. I love all My children very much.