Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael with protection of God’s words from His Mother

Come Holy Spirit. My love My beautiful one I, the Holy Spirit, am the spouse of Mary. She loves everyone dearly.
Son, this is Mary, your Mother. We are all praying for you through all your sickness and the sickness of all Our beloved children. As We have been begging all Our children from Heaven to repent and get their souls in a state of grace, many of Our children are suffering. Some for their own sins and some for the sins of their brothers and sisters. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ and we must all suffer together to help save souls who do not know how to pray and how to ask forgiveness for their sins.
We love everyone of our children dearly. Remember the parable of the workers in the field? They all came at different times of the day and My Father gave them all the same amount of money whether they came in the morning or late in the afternoon. This is how merciful My Son is to all of My children. We will treat you the same if you come early or late but you have to come at some time because of God’s mercy and free will. He will never hold you in bondage, only satan and yourself hold yourself in bondage because of your stubbornness and not letting go and asking God’s forgiveness. The only reason some people lose control of their body and mind is because they have to give their self to God and let Him take care of them.
It is very hard for many of Our children now because your world has given satan control in almost all areas of your life. This is why My God and yours is giving so much grace to all My children now because you are now in the end of this 2000 year era of time. You are about to move into the New Era of Peace which will be like the Garden of Paradise. Just hold onto My Son and My hand and We will take you through all this suffering. None of Our children are really wicked, they are just following the hand of satan instead of their Mother and Father. Please take Our hand now, the time is so short.
People keep condemning Our true prophets complaining that it has been said for many years. The same thing was said before the flood in Noah and the time of the Ark, and then all wished they had listened when it started raining for days and flooded the whole earth. It was the same way with the wise virgins and the unwise virgins. The reason God’s time can be a short or a long time is because it is controlled by the holiness or the sins of the people, but My God and your God knows when sin will have to stop before it destroys all of His children on the earth. The time has come, My children, when more people are living satan’s will and not God’s will and the Ten Commandments.
Heaven and the hands of your Mother have held God’s hands back as long as We can. Children, please pray for everyone, especially the ones who have been asked to write these messages and put them out from Heaven. Love, love, and more Love. Please repent now, love Mother. Thanks, My son.