Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael with protection of God’s words only

My most beloved son, this is Jesus of love and mercy. Tell all Our children that they must pray, and must pray very hard now because your Congress and leaders are in a major battle in who will win the fight. They both have their own agenda and neither the republicans or democrats want to give on anything. It is a battle between one group and the other. Pray that they do not do something stupid in this cold weather. Satan is going to try to make something big happen in this cold weather so that My children will suffer even more. Pray, pray, and pray for all My children who are suffering much now. It has only just begun. My Mother and grandmother will speak with you now from one heart.
My love and all Our most beautiful children. I come to tell all of you how much I love you. You must pray now and pray more before many die. Your souls are at stake and I do not want to lose any of you. That is all My children, I do not want to lose any of you. Love, Mother. We are all praying for you from Heaven. Ask for graces often each day and ask us to multiply your prayers. Amen.