Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Friday, August 8, 2014
Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family and St. Michael as Our Protector and Guard

My most beloved child, I am your God, Savior, Protector, Lover, and Friend, good morning. Tell My children and all My beloved friends that I love and protect them from ANY and EVERYTHING if they live in My Divine Will and listen to their God. Stay in My Mother’s & Jesus’ heart at all times now for the forces of evil are getting more vicious each day. Their time of evil is ending and the Our Father is coming closer to earth each day. The fulfillment of My coming to earth as the new Adam and Mary as the new Eve is coming to a climax. The second coming, as people call it, is just a fulfillment of the first coming when I came to earth as the new Adam to take the earth back from satan when I died on the Cross. The earth was then given back to Me, Jesus, by God the Father and the final movement of the earth began. The earth was then Mine again because I was the new Adam that took the place of the old Adam that sinned and lost the earth to satan. I have been coming to earth many, many thousands of times since My Resurrection. The times you are in now are the fulfillment of the first coming. The second coming, as people call it, is just a fulfillment of the first coming when God the Father gave the world back to Me, Jesus, to take it back from satan and fulfill the Our Father with His: ‘Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.’
The new Heaven and the New Era of Peace is about to arrive upon the earth as the New Jerusalem and the new Era of Peace in your midst. Satan’s power is about to be taken away by your God and his warring angels from Heaven will unite with His remnant children of earth to fulfill this mission that I your Jesus was assigned from the Cross when I was brought down from Heaven as God and Man through the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. My Mother will speak.
My beloved son, this is Mother Mary, your Mother and the Mother of all the human race that was ordained by God the Father before all time. I was chosen to be the Mother of Jesus and the Mother of the Trinity and of all the human race when Jesus gave Me to John from the Cross. I then became the new Eve with My Son as the new Adam to take God’s earth back from satan that was lost through the sins of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The fulfillment of this 2000 years of battle is in your midst and will be fulfilled in this generation with the new and old prophets and saints and angels from Heaven when satan and his fallen angels will be no more and the New Era of Peace will begin in your lifetime, My son, which will last 1000 years in God’s time which is not lived in your time because in God’s time there is no time like on earth. Satan will be locked up in hell and earth will be like Heaven on earth as My Son promised in the Our Father. The earth will be purified like in the Garden of Eden that God talks about in the Bible.
The time is here My children for the final battle between Heaven and all His warriors and all His remnant warriors on earth to take satan off of earth with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit coming on the white horse with all His armies together from Heaven and earth to put an end to satan for a period of time and lock him in hell. Then all people who give their lives and souls to God by asking forgiveness from their heart and repenting of all their sins so they can be in Heaven and in the New Era of Peace.
My son, this is a long message from Heaven, but My God and your God want the whole truth out through the Holy Spirit so people will know His exact words not the words of man who has been twisting the Bible in many ways that was their thinking, not God’s thinking. The Mother of God from Heaven and earth with words from God the Father to all His children and My children given to Me, your real Mother, from the Cross. Ask My Son to tie you to the Cross so you cannot get away from Jesus and Me, your Mother, so you will be with us in Heaven for all eternity. Love, love, and more love from Heaven, united in One with the Holy Trinity. Thanks for writing, My love.