Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Come Holy Trinity and The Holy Family with St. Michael as your Guard and Protector


My most beloved son, this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. All of Heaven is saying thanks to all Our children who are trying to listen to the messages in this time of trial and tribulation. Some of My beloved children are going through the Warning at this time and have been for a few years now. This is called the Warning Before the Warning for all My children who are listening. This will be part of My remnant children who will help the rest of My children when things get real rough. They will have already been purified and they will be at peace with all of My children in the world. They will be at peace when all My children in the world will see their souls in the state that I, their God, see them. They will be taken out of their body like a death experience and see whether they would go to Heaven, purgatory, or hell and then I, their God, will give them time to change from being and living in mortal and deadly sin to get back in a state of grace so they will not lose their souls to satan and hell.

The grace being given from Heaven is in a way that every soul on earth can change their life at this time and during the coming Warning, that is very very close, to get their life back together and within the will of God. This grace has been saved just for this generation because I knew that this generation would be the most evil generation that ever lived on the face of the earth. This has happened because each generation’s sins, from the time of Adam and Eve, keep getting worse. Some families have been blessed with the grace and knowledge to be able to block and stop generational curses that have been passed from one generation to another by listening and being exposed to priests and different people with extra grace from Heaven to get their families back on track with God. This is because they have listened to their God and used the extra grace that was sent from Heaven. This will be a special grace and blessing that everyone will be able to after the Warning. This grace and understanding will be infused into everyone’s minds and every soul on earth at this Warning when they will see their God face-to-face and He will make them aware of everything in their life that they must change to get out of mortal sin and get back into the grace and love of God so their soul can go to Heaven. This will be the last chance that this generation will have to change from going to hell for all eternity and receive all the grace needed to live in Heaven with their God for all eternity in total love, peace, and joy that they could never dream of in their wildest dreams. My children, I beg and beg and beg that all My beloved children will make use of this grace that has never been given before and will never be given again to such an extreme because I your God does not want to lose any one of you to the fires of hell and satan. My beloved son thanks for writing this message to all My beloved children. This will be the Warning given to purify children before the thousand year Era of Peace. This is your Jesus of Love and Mercy within the Holy Trinity and the Holy Family and all the saints and angels in Heaven. Love from all of Heaven. Amen.

Source: ➥