Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family With Your Words Only

“My dearly beloved children. It is I your Jesus of love and mercy.” Thank you, Jesus, for the beautiful rain yesterday for all the crops and the beautiful weather today.
My son, I your God and Father in Heaven is very happy with some of my children who are starting to live in Divine Will. Our hearts in Heaven are so happy that some of our children souls are starting to change. Please ask for all the grace that is available each day for yourself and for every soul on the face of the earth. The great renewal of the world is at hand. It all started when I died on the cross for all My children so that one day it would lead to ‘Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven’ and the last of the Hail Mary, ‘Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death, Amen.’ This is the time, our time from Heaven when all is about to be fulfilled. Do not fear all the evil that is roaming the earth at this time, it is just fulfilling the end of the prophecy of the birth and death of Jesus when He was brought into the world through Mary, the Mother of all the children of the world. This is My Mother’s final mission for mankind on earth for She will step on the head of satan and he will be no more. This is My Mother’s time in the history of the world. My Most Beloved Bride and Mother of all, the most beautiful woman that ever walked the face of the earth or ever was seen in Heaven. Your God is proclaiming this time for the Mother and lover for all mankind. This is Her time, Her generation, to crush all evil on earth and all that will not repent of their sins to Her God and your God, with all the love and grace that is being poured out on all the earth before it will be no more. All the fallen angels and demons that have denied God love for everyone will be cast back into the fires of hell and any people on earth that will not accept God’s love and mercy will be no more. The final move is here for all My children, through all of God’s love and mercy, to ask repentance of all their sins and get off the fence and start living for their God or fall into the fires of hell for all eternity.
The Children of the Renewal are all the children that will be asked repentance and forgiveness from their heart and I their God will forgive them for anything they have done in their life—or, keep living in the sins of satan and end up in hell forever. I do not want to lose any one of My children. God sent Me, Jesus, to earth through Mother Mary as man so all people could not say at the final judgment that God did not know how hard it is to live on earth with all the temptations. I, your Jesus, who lived on earth will be the final judge to take you to your final destination of Heaven or hell by the choices and decisions you made on earth. Please ask forgiveness now before it is no more. Your loving Jesus who has begged as a beggar for two thousand years to save every soul. Love, Jesus.