Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Come Holy Trinity & The Holy Family, With Your Words Only

My son, this is your beloved Father in Heaven. What you just read is very true. You have been wanting to hear me in a stronger voice from within. I have told you I do not come in a loud voice or a shout. I do not come in the wind or the earthquake, I come in the whisper in your heart. To hear your God louder and clearer, you must move to another level of quietness within your heart. To hear plainer and better you must move to the next level of holiness. When you get to the level of holiness that I want you to get to you will hear everything easy. It is not about noise but about being quieter within your heart. You and your God together in one heart. You know how when you are looking at a person speaking and you know what they are going to say before they even speak? This is kind of how it is with God. If your heart and your spirit is in tune with God you are a soul mate with each other and with God. Everyone on earth should be soul mates with each other and what that means is to be One Body With Christ. When all My children get in tune with God, their spirits are on the same wave length and they can communicate just be looking at each other. That is how it will be with your God and other people when you are in Heaven. There is only one thing to focus on and it is love, love of God and love of each other. Everyone in Heaven is all love and speaks from their heart. They know what the other person wants and needs just be being next to them. It is something like a couple married for fifty years, you do not need to talk any, you just know. You remember how you and your brother that you partnered with and worked with, you both knew your job and said very little. You just looked at each other and knew what was needed to be done next and the next step you should take. It will be similar but much different in the profoundness of it. That is all for tonight, for your secretary is very busy. Tell her I love her dearly and thanks for being the hands for you and many of My children. Love, Father.