Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only

I am with you My son, your Jesus of Love and Mercy. I do want you to speak, do not doubt that this is from God, for it is your God.
My beloved children, please start to save water and food because soon the shelves in your grocery stores and many others stores will be empty or not have the things you need. There are many things that the one world people are trying to make happen as soon as possible. One is taking food away from American and another is to get the war started in the east and get America involved and move most of their army out of the USA. My Mother will speak.
My beloved son, this is your Mother from Heaven. Please do as My Son has been telling you. The people who have been preparing will have something to eat when you see your power go out in many places all at the same time. They have the ability now to shut down the power anywhere at any time in your country. Your country is totally under the control of the one world people through your president. He has sold out everything that he could without Congress or the Senate’s permission. He will continue to do the same.
Be ready for anything in the world at this time. Have your things to go to the refuge ready because it will be just a few minutes notice before you will have to leave when the angel tells you. The one world people are ready to move at any minutes notice. They have been for a long time. I, your God, have been holding things back by revealing things to My messengers that have been messing up their plans so far. But that is about to stop because of all of the sins in your country. A few of Our children are getting better but a lot of Our children are not listening and some even getting deeper into sin. The time is to pray, pray, pray. Your Loving Mother. Be prepared like the wise virgins and St. Joseph the way he protected Jesus and I. Love, Mother.