Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only

My most beloved son this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. My son, I know you do not like writing, but My children need to read the truth often these days. You know how you had to correct some of your children, over and over, day after day after day. This is how your Father in Heaven feels. Many, or most of Our children need to be corrected day after day. We do not want to lose any of Our children. You are a father just like us and you do not want to lose any of your children. That is why you still correct them and pray for them all of the time. That is what a good father does for his children. A good father helps them physically when they need help. That is the way it is supposed to be.
I have told you many times that the father is the head and the mother is the heart of a family. The father needs to be the one who corrects and disciplines his children and the mother needs to be the one to give most of the love to her children. This is the way it is ordained to be by God. There is no one parent that has the ability to do both of these jobs. When one or the other of my parents do not do these jobs or exchange their jobs for the other it takes the children into a grey area where the children do not really know the real truth. The man has to be the correcting one and the woman must do most of the loving. This gives the children everything in black and white and keeps the children in a stable state of mind to live and know the truth. Today with all of the divorces, most of the children do not have any idea how they should react to different things. I have told you before that the father does not have to be perfect and the mother does not have to be perfect. But with the father the head and the mother the heart, most children will turn out to be okay. With two men or two women raising children, like a homosexual couple, their children have very little chance of survival unless some of their grandparents or someone else steps up with help from Heaven to get the children on the right path.
All of these problems are generational problems from the past that have to be healed for My children to be able to live in peace. Your God is not blaming anyone for all these problems in the world, He is just teaching you what the problems are and what Our children need to know to be happy and save their souls. I know many people will scream about this message of the truth, but My children are so lost.
As I told you, the grace from Heaven is being poured out like never before on the earth, and My children can take and use this grace just for the asking. I knew that this generation would be in such a mess that I have been saving many graces for this generation just for the asking. Each generation continues to get worse because of past sins that keep building up from one generation to the next. The only way this can stop is if you give Me, your God, your free will to use for you and then I can help you more.
I give everyone free will to do as they wish, but if you do not use it wisely you can end up in hell. If you let Me help you control your life and give Me your free will and try to live in My Divine Will, everything will work out much easier for you. I want to be your Father, and Mary wants to be your Mother but you have to let your Father correct and discipline you and My Mother to love you with all My love for your life to change. It is not that I do not love you as much as My Mother, but it is the father’s job to discipline His children and always look like the bad guy until the children get older and then they understand and thank him because they see that he was doing the hardest job of the two by correcting and disciplining them. This is all for now, a lesson that most of My children do not understand. Love Jesus, and My Father.