Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Friday, May 9, 2014
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only

My most beloved son, I come to you with an open heart. Come into My heart for all the graces you need. Tell all My children that My heart is open for ever soul on the face of the earth. Come now while there is still time for the mercy which is ending and turning into My justice. Tell the people to come to Me the way they run to a super bowl or a sale that they run to and think that they will find a big bargain for little or no money. Your God has a whole heart full of gifts to give just for asking forgiveness for your sins from your heart and running to your God’s bleeding heart that is overflowing with gifts of graces to save your soul.
My children you are running with the world and you will receive nothing in the end except total suffering and even hell. If you do not repent, all the money, and fame, and power of the world will not buy happiness, only the Love of the Lord will bring peace into your heart, mind, and soul.
I, your God, am asking you again to come to Me or your priest for forgiveness before you have to beg My mercy because of all the natural disasters and wars that are about to happen. The whole world is standing on the edge of a cliff ready to fall off. Many will die when they fall off, and many will suffer dearly. Please come now so that it will not be so hard for you and Me. Ask forgiveness now, please, please, please, the Most Holy Trinity and all of Heaven. My Mother will speak.
My love, and all My beloved children, My heart is bleeding from all of the sorrow of all My children. Please listen to all of Heaven who are calling and praying for all of you to please get your souls in a state of grace before all of hell breaks out on earth as satan continues his last run to totally destroy the earth. My son is in charge, and satan will cause many souls to suffer greatly, but God’s will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. But, many, many will suffer because of all of their sins and stubbornness to change and ask forgiveness. Your Loving Mother to all Her children. Love, Mom.