Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Monday, April 28, 2014
Come Holy Trinity

My dearly beloved son, the disasters are happening in your midst. Continue to expect the chastisements to worsen as the days go on. You will see disasters happening all over the world in every shape and form. My children who are leading the world, and your country especially, are living in satan’s pit. They think they are god and believe that with the technology they have, they do not need any god. I, your God, will continue to show them what they know and can do amounts to nothing compared to what the real God can do and knows. I have permitted them to learn a lot of new things to be used for the good of My people, but they have used it just for their own power and pride, for satan, for money, and fame.
Your country will continue to suffer many disasters this year and it will continue until people wake up and pray. The majority of people in the US live their sex life worse than the animals. They think they can live with whoever they want, whenever they want, and do anything they want. This kind of lifestyle will destroy any country in time. Your country is more guilty than any other country because it was founded in and for God to help the world be a better place to live.
I asked the Catholic Church to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus to stop communism from spreading all over the world, but it was not done in time to stop it from spreading. Now you have paganism, godless people running your whole world. They have entered the Catholic Church and many of your churches are infiltrated by many masons and controlling a lot of your leadership in your country. About all of your school books are infiltrated with a lot of new age teaching. New age means that the truth has been twisted and changed so that it looks a lot like the truth, but is far from the real truth and confuses many people so they don’t know what to really believe.
Many of your bishops and cardinals are masons living in the Catholic Church and acting like Catholics and changing My truths of the one, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Be careful because they are changing your Masses in some of the liberal areas and especially the big cities. It will continue to spread unless My people, and especially My remnant army, pray very much and many more Christians begin to follow the Ten Commandments set down in stone by your God. I ask all Catholics to study the Ten Commandments and the true teachings of the Catholic Church and not just take anyone’s word for what the real truth is. Very few Catholics and Christians know their faith and the real truths of God’s laws. Part of it is the people’s fault but most of it is the leaders who turned their lives over to satan to help destroy the Church. My Mother wants to speak.
This is your Beloved Mother Mary. My children, I want to thank all of God’s children who took part in Divine Mercy Sunday. Many of My children gained great graces. My Beloved Pope John Paul II was a big part of this decision and he was consecrated as a saint on Divine Mercy Sunday. There were graces given in great numbers for any Christian who wished to ask for them yesterday. Continue to pray to Pope John Paul II to help the Church turn back in the direction that God wants it. Continue to pray for all the lost souls and those who do not have the grace to change because of the deepness of sin that satan has taken them into. This is your Loving Mother, Love, Mom.