Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Come Holy Trinity

This is Mary the Mother of God. My most beloved children and son. I come today to give thanks to God the Father and all My children living on earth who are helping Us in Heaven. I especially give thanks and a special blessing to all who are helping My son in the mission I and Jesus have given to My son which is a very big mission.
All of the most beautiful and generous children that are doing a lot of his work for and with him I give a very special blessing to all of you today. The blessings of Medjugorje are very special blessings from God the Father through His Mother Mary to all the children that go to Medjugorje. I give the same special blessing to the refuge of the Holy Family this day. Thanks for all My children that have helped Me build this refuge. There have been many physical and spiritual gifts that given to Heavenly Hill to help this refuge to be successful. It took many rosaries and Masses from hundreds of people to make this into a refuge for the end times. I and The Trinity thank and bless all the people who have helped there. This blessing is a special blessing for all who have been there and helped and it will continue to be given to every person that steps foot on the property until the Era of Peace begins.
Thank you My children, you have helped Heaven save thousands of souls from going to hell but your main work is just beginning for there are millions more who need to be saved. Continue to pray and help financially if possible for there are many spiritual and physical things that still need to be done. This goes for all of our refuges from Heaven. Do not think that your job is ever done because it continues on every day until the Era of Peace. These refuges have to be kept up and maintained and very few of My refuge owners have any extra finances to do this. This all has to come from the love of My children’s hearts. This is your loving Mother from all of Heaven. We are doing Our part, please My children do yours. Love, Mom.