Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Come Holy Trinity

My most beloved son, this is Mother Mary. I come to tell you I love you and all My children dearly. My son gave your country a serious message yesterday. I came to confirm it was from My Son, Jesus. He loves all our children so dearly that He died on the Cross for all of you. I and My son, Jesus, suffered the same suffering at the Crucifixion. He suffered the physical and spiritual suffering and I also suffered the spiritual and physical suffering in My heart and soul as He went through His suffering.
My beloved children the world has no idea how much We suffered to make sure your would not go to hell, but to Heaven. My children please think of just one of your children, if you thought they would go to hell for all eternity. You would do everything possible for them to try to save them and save their soul. My Son gave all His children on the earth that ever was or ever will be to His Mother from the Cross. I ache for every one of your souls to be saved. Please, My children for My Son’s and My sake, ask forgiveness for your sins and turn around and live for Christ. If you could look down into hell like we from Heaven can do, and see all the terrible suffering, you would change. This is going to happen My children soon in a grace that has never been given to the world before or ever again, where you will be taken out of your physical body and put into your spiritual body and see just where you would go if you died at that moment. You will see all your sins and good deeds that you have done all your life and be shown and feel the pain that you would feel for all eternity if you died at that minute if in mortal sin. You will also see the pain if you were going to purgatory at that minute and then be purified in purgatory until you were ready to go to Heaven.
My beloved children you have to be purified before you can go to Heaven. There is no sin in Heaven. Everything is pure and holy and beautiful. We suffer in our hearts in Heaven for the ones that are living in mortal sin to help change you, and we pray for all on earth from Heaven to give you the extra grace to get to Heaven with us. My son did not have to suffer on the Cross for all of you, but he did it for all His love for every one of you. My beloved children we are going to pray and beg for you until you take your last breath so you will have the grace to say “yes” to Jesus. I want to be with you and all the saints and angels in Heaven. Your loving Mother with a sorrowful heart for all My children that are living in mortal sin. Mortal means deadly, deadly sin that will take you to hell or deep purgatory. Your Loving Mother and all of Heaven. Thanks, Mom.