Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Come Holy Trinity

This is Mary, your beloved Mother. My most beloved children, I love all of you dearly and all things dearly that God made except for the sins of the world and the sins of satan and the fallen angels. My Son wants to talk.
My most beloved son and all My beloved children, I love all of you dearly. Please pray more for the world and for your brothers and sisters. I love all of them dearly. The time is here and now. Please do not doubt, My son. I keep confirming you through other people. It is very good to listen to everyone who you trust and get discernment from others you trust, if in doubt. As long as you listen and discern, I will protect you and your writings. I will not let satan have his way with you as long as you listen. It is when you think you know it better than God I will let you stumble and fall to teach you to be more cautious. You have been listening, My son and I and all of Heaven will help you keep from falling and letting others fall. I love all My children dearly. Love Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. I needed these words.
A number of people have asked that the prayer before meals be sent out again.
A prayer from Jesus to protect from all contamination
Before Meal Blessing
O Divine and Eternal Father, through the Most Precious Blood of Your Divine Son Jesus, we ask You to remove anything that is not from You in our food, our water, the air, in the medicine in this household, and in our bodies and souls and replace it with the pureness that was in the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve sinned. Thank you, Amen.
After Meal Prayer
We give thee thanks for this pure food from Thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen.