Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Monday, January 13, 2014
Come Holy Trinity

My most beloved son, I love you dearly and all My beloved children. My children need to hear from Me your Mother Mary often now. You are all suffering much for the sake of souls. The children praying are not the only ones suffering now. It has now moved to everyone suffering. The children not living God’s messages or His Will will begin to suffer more each day. Things of earth will not satisfy them. The things of earth will satisfy them less each day. They will try to find something on earth to help them feel better, but the only thing that will help them feel better is to get their soul back in the state of sanctifying grace and to start helping their brothers and sisters.
I told you yesterday that it is just the grace from Heaven that will help you now. Everything from earth will just take you down deeper into the pit of hell with more suffering. Please stop where you are and do a turnabout as you were taught in the army and start going the other way which is uphill toward heaven and not downhill toward hell. My children We love all of you dearly and We do not want to lose any of you to satan. We will keep begging you until the last breath of your life so you do not have to live in the terrible tortures of hell for all eternity. This is all for now, Mother Mary, your real Mother from Heaven and from the Foot of the Cross where My beloved Son died for all your sins wishing you would say ‘yes’ to be saved. Love, love, and more love, Mother.
An hour later, God the Father continued.
My son, this is God the Father, the One who made all of Heaven and earth and all that was or ever will be from the beginning to the end of time. I tell all My children that America was founded on the Ten Commandments and as you remove the Ten Commandments from your laws, your foundation, your earth will fall. The Ten Commandments were etched on stone and your country stands on stone. As you remove each one of the Commandments, 10% of your foundation will crumble. Once you remove all of the Commandments from America, America will be no more. This is your Father and Maker telling America, people of America stand up now or you will be no more. God of All.