Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, August 16, 2021

Call of God the Father to His Faithful People. Message to Enoch

Ungodly Nations, if You Do Not Convert Before the Warning, You Will Know the Rigor of My Justice!


My peace be with you, My people, My inheritance.

My children, the fury of nature has begun to awaken, many places on earth will disappear by the transformation of creation. When the volcanoes erupt in chain, there will be no place on earth that will not stop moving; the coastal regions will be the most affected by the awakening of volcanoes and telluric movements. The dragon of the great North Country is about to erupt and when it awakens, the other dragons of fire will follow in a chain. Woe to you, Babylon of these last times, because if you do not convert and return to Me repentant; the fire that will come out of the entrails of your yellow dragon will dress you in mourning! Very soon fire from heaven and fire from the bowels of the earth will purify My creation and My creatures, and the ungodly nations will disappear.

The days of My Justice are beginning and there is no turning back; in the midst of pain and tribulation, My Warning will come, which will awaken you and make you aware that the only path you must follow is the path of the salvation of your soul. Again I say to you, My people; keep calm during the days of purification; pray and praise the Glory of God, so that all the events that will befall you will be more bearable and that you will be able to endure your purification without losing your heads.

Ungodly nations, if you do not convert before the Warning, you will know the rigor of My Justice! Nations, where My Precepts are broken daily, where unnatural laws have been passed, where the blood of My innocents has been shed, where wickedness, injustice and sin have taken root; I tell you: Your days are numbered, weighed and measured; if you do not repent of your detestable actions, I will disappear you with the fire of My Justice and no memory of you sinful nations will remain! The time of your existence is counting down.

Come out, come out, My people of the ungodly nations, because I have already decreed their punishment! Ruin and dust, that is what will remain of them; their land will be barren, no one will occupy them again, nor will the grass grow. It is the time, My people, when you must leave these nations and those of you who are foreigners must return to your places of origin. I warn you in advance so that just as Lot did with his family, you too, abandon these ungodly nations, because the Angel of My Divine Justice is about to unload his Sword of Fire upon them.

The time of My Mercy is in its last thousandths; run, run, sinners to put your accounts in order, before My days of Mercy run out; because the days of My Justice are coming and I will no longer listen to you!

Remain in My peace, My people, My inheritance.

Your Father, Yahweh, Lord of the Nations.

Make known My messages of salvation to all the ends of the earth, My People.

Source: ➥