Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Sunday, April 10, 2016

Parish Church the Divine Child - Cali - Colombia. Urgent Call to Mankind from Jesus of the Blessed Sacrament.

I Detest Relationships Between Same-Sex Couples!


My peace be with you, my children,

This ungrateful and sinful humanity is heading toward its own destruction. I will wait until the last second for the sinner to repent and come back to me; I am patient and merciful and my motto is love. I am true to my word and I will not be the one to unleash holy justice; you will be the ones who unleash it with your sin.. Very soon you will know my justice and there will be no turning back.

My Father and I are one, I am in my Father and my Father is in Me, and whoever lives in love is with God and God is with him. My father is very sad due to the bad behavior of mankind today that does not tire of sinning and transgressing the Ten Commandments of love. No relationship between same-sex couples is accepted by heaven. Damned be those who transgress the law of God and put human laws above the divine laws, because in truth I tell you they have already received their pay!

No sodomite who persists in his sin will be able to inherit the kingdom of my Father; I detest relationships between same-sex couples! This does not come from God, but is rather the work of my adversary who wants to mock the sacrament of marriage. All those who legislate in favor of these laws against nature are equally guilty and will receive their pay in eternity, unless they repent and make reparation for it.

All those who legalize such marriages with their signature will also bear the guilt and pay for it, unless they repent and make reparation. The sins of abortion and sodomy are unleashing the righteous wrath of God. Very soon my Father will send fire from heaven to all those nations where these laws have been approved; I tell you sodomites, if you do not repent from the heart, you are going to die forever.

My warning is coming and I assure you that if you do not repent, you will not be able to return anymore to this world. My Father in eternity is going to separate the wheat from the tares and much of this ungrateful and sinful mankind will return no more due to the gravity of their sins.

The pride of these end-times men of science who want to elevate themselves above the wisdom of God will be their own destruction. The androids and humanoids, which are being created in your laboratories will turn against mankind during the time of my adversary. These robots will be imbued with the spirit of evil and be a scourge for humanity. Mishandled technology will turn against man and will be at the service of my opponent, creating desolation and death for the inhabitants of the earth for as long as his final reign lasts.

My children, my illumination of conscience is coming, remain in love, alert and vigilant, because the days of tribulation will bring on the onset of war. My peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. Repent, for the Kingdom of God is near. Your Teacher, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Make known my messages to all mankind.

Source: ➥