Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
The Church Will Face Bad Times, There Will Be a Great Schism
Message from Our Lady to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy

Message Of 06/26/2022 From Angela
This afternoon Mama showed up all dressed in white. The mantle that enveloped Her was also white, wide and even covered Her head. On her head, Mother had a crown of twelve stars. Mama had Her arms outstretched as a sign of welcome. In Her right hand was a long crown of the holy rosary, white as of light that reached almost all the way down to Her feet.
The feet were barefoot and rested on the world. On the world were glimpses of wars and violence. Mama slowly slipped a part of Her mantle and covered the world.
Praise be to Jesus Christ
Dear children, thank you for responding to this call of Mine. I love you children, I love you immensely, if you only knew how much I love you you would weep with joy.
My children, also today, I am here to pray with you and for you. But I am also here to ask you for prayer.
Prayer for My beloved Church.
Mama stopped (She remained silent). I began to hear Her heartbeat loudly.
Daughter, listen to My heart. My Immaculate Heart beats strongly for each of you, it beats for every child, even for those furthest from My Immaculate Heart.
Then the Virgin Mary bowed Her head and after a while said to me, "Look daughter." I saw St. Peter's Church in Rome, then a succession of pictures of many churches, they were all closed.
St. Peter's Church was shrouded in a big black smoke. Then Mother resumed speaking.
My beloved children, pray much for My beloved Church, pray children.
Pray for the Holy Father, pray children.
The Church will face bad times, there will be a great schism.
At this point it was as if the whole colonnade surrounding St. Peter's Church was shaken by a great earthquake.
Everything shook. The Virgin Mary said to me at this point : " Daughter, do not be afraid, let us pray together." I prayed for a long time with Mother.
Then everything came back in full light. Mama stretched out Her arms and prayed over everyone on the spot and then blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.