Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Children, Call Me by the Name “Father” Even Once and You Will Have the Assurance of Eternal Life
Message from God The Father to Gisella Cardia in Trevignano Romano, Italy

Message of God the Father
Dear children, I your Father, desire that each of you remember that I am often where you are. I know all your needs and all that you desire, how I wish to see you come to Me with trust and love! Do not be enticed by vices that lead to total ruin.
My children, My love for you is so great that I do not feel a joy equal to that of being among men.
Behold, I say to those who are in a state of sin: do not ignore this call of love, otherwise I will not be able to enter you; I would like you to beware of sin. I look at you, yet you ignore that I am here and call you with My great joy, I would always like to be beside you with the hope that one day you will return to Your Father, it would be a beautiful act of love. I am the living spring, I would like to be for you the joy without end, My Son Jesus is in Me and I am in Him and Our Love which is the Holy Spirit holds us together.
Come and drink in this spring and your joy will be so great until eternity. Do not be indifferent to this love, only then will you be blessed, believe this truth. Take advantage of these hard times, follow the Scriptures and especially the Ten Commandments.
Children, call Me by the name "Father" even once and you will have the assurance of eternal life. I say to you children, who are working for My Glory and striving to make Me known and loved, that your reward will be great and you will have much more in eternity.
To you my priest sons, I urge you to make known this Paternal love that I have for all of you in particular, you must work so that My Will may be fulfilled, do not waste your time with the things of the world and do not be inactive, but make known My power, I only desire to be loved, and to you who are not doing My Will at this time, I say, Woe!
I address My children, speak of Me, do not reject Me, I do not want sacrifices, I want love and respect. Look at the crucifix, the Blessed Sacrament, the sacred scriptures, so that you may understand to what extent I have loved you and if families would love Me more, know Me more, invoke Me more, I will give them My Peace, My Mercy and I will be your all that will suffice for everything, do not reject this joy I would like you to enjoy this light that will illuminate your life.
Now I bless you children in the name of the Most Holy Trinity.
Source: ➥