Final Preparations

Important Appeal from God The Father to All!

Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)

Red Alert

The END of our Freedom, of our Existence

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)


Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA


Sunday, June 21, 2020

Message from Jesus


Hello my dearest Jesus present in all tabernacles in the world. I adore You, praise You, love You and trust You, my Lord, God and my King! Thank You, Lord for allowing us to receive You during Mass and to go to Confession again. Oh, how we have missed Holy Mass, Jesus. Thank You for allowing this so that we could more fully appreciate the Sacraments. Jesus, please help us. I know You have said a time will come soon when we will once again be deprived of the Most Blessed Sacrament, and I don’t think I can bear this again. Jesus, I know You provide graces to bear much, but Lord this was so difficult. The time for me was very dark, lonely and so very sad. Jesus, who knows (You do of course) how many tragedies occurred directly as a result of the ban on public Mass. Oh, Jesus there were many people I knew who died, some in tragic ways. I wonder if there had been Masses (public) if more people filled with graces—living in their environment and taking You, the Blessed Sacrament physically to the world—would have changed things. I can’t explain what I mean, Jesus but You know my heart and my mind. You know what I am trying to say. Lord, help us. Help our country. Help more souls to come to know and love You, change the most hardened hearts, my adorable Jesus. Save us, Savior of the world. Lord, I pray for all who do not know the love of God, and for all who are dying; especially for those who are unprepared for their death. Be with those who are suffering, with families who lost loved ones, and with the souls who died tragic deaths. Praise You, my Lord! You, Lord are a strong tower. May we run to You and to Our Lady for You are our refuge. You are the rock. You are my all. You, Lord are the only security we have and I place all my trust and all my hope in You.

Thank You for the opportunity to be with such faith-filled people yesterday as we prayed for our friends who will be married next weekend. Lord, I ask for many blessings and graces be poured out on them and may their love be a witness for the world and for marriage. Lord, help them to live out the beautiful and powerful mission you have for their marriage. Holy Spirit move in and among them with the fire of Your holy love and may Your love extend out from their hearts and their home to all they encounter. Praise You Lord for my holy and faithful friends who give so much encouragement during these dark times. Lord, I know Your light shines brightly and is especially noticeable in the darkness. May Your love and Your light shine through me, Jesus. Use me, Lord. Use our family, Lord to be witnesses to the Gospel. Praise You, Jesus! Praise You, Father God and Happy Father’s Day to You, the Creator of the world and for the good of all mankind. Praise You Holy Spirit, lover of my soul. Oh, how I miss You in Adoration, Lord. Please inspire our Bishop to reopen the Adoration chapels. Please, Jesus. We need You so!!!

“My child, My child, you feel as though you are experiencing a terrible drought. I come to give you My living water, My child. When you pray, graces rain down upon you and I visit You with My Holy Presence. My child, your soul longed for Me in the Eucharist, especially so because of the many hours you spent with Me, keeping company with Me in My Eucharistic presence. My daughter, though you are unable to be with Me, I am with you. I know this is not the same to you, since you cannot be with Me in My physical presence in the Adoration Chapel, however I did not abandon you. I knew of your longing for Me. I knew there were times you couldn’t or wouldn’t allow yourself time to dwell on this, because your heart was breaking. You keep busy so as not to think about this even after your work slowed as the virus cases declined. My dearest little one, I know your heart. I know your pain. Your tears and your brokenness for love of your Jesus were and are very dear to Me. Oh, how I desire this love from all of My children. My daughter, I consoled you when you thought it too much to bear, did I not?”

Yes, Lord. You did! I believe I would have died had You not provided glimpses of grace. Oh, Jesus thank You for the time I was able to receive You in Holy Communion, even though the churches were closed. Thank You, Jesus. One time in 6 or 7 weeks was not enough but at least it was enough to get me through these dark days. Oh, Jesus please do not allow this to reoccur. I know it was the decision of our Bishops, Lord but help them to see that this was not the answer. Lord, give them courage and strength to stand up for the Church. They are filled with fear, Jesus. Lord, we are like sheep without a shepherd. Help our shepherds to be more like You, Lord. Give them courage in the face of evil. Lord, expose the ones who are behind the rioting and destabilization. So much evil is behind this, Lord. Your adversary is so deceptive, but You are truth! You have already won the victory. Praise You, Jesus.

“My child, I thank you for your prayers. I thank you for your sincerity and your love. I want to prepare you for what is to come, My little lamb, for an escalation will occur brought on by evil and corrupt people. It is not God, My child who is causing this, it is caused by the enemies of God and of humanity. There are people who aim to kill most of the population, to cripple economies and cause starvation for those who survive. This is so to weaken the will of the people to clear the way for oppression and rule over the nations. Their aim is also to destroy nations and strip them of their national identity, culture and all religion. My child, this is what Hitler attempted to do. For those who think this is too extreme, reflect on the history of communist countries and of those with Marxist governments and you will see this is not only feasible, but is well underway. My daughter as I have discussed with you on many occasions, I do not usurp man’s free will. I respect the free will given by My Father to mankind. Therefore, as faith in God wanes, evil gains a foothold. More people cooperate with it because they are blind to what is occurring, due to their materialism, atheism and the prevalent secular relativism. Without the eyes of faith, people succumb to more and more temptation, their consciences become numb and they no longer see. This, My little lamb is the sad condition of the majority of My children. This is why My Mother’s statues weep in some areas of the word, and why God the Father allows My Most Holy Mother to visit the world especially during the past century and up through the current time. Our children wander in the wilderness and My Mother has come to earth to warn Her children in these most perilous times. She has been coming to Medjugorje for 39 years, My child. One cannot say the heavens have closed to those who pray. No, My child. God hears the prayers of His children and in His mercy provides every means to draw close to Him. He sends prophets, to bear witness to the messages from Heaven. He sends holy Popes as in My beloved Saint John Paul II and My beautiful Benedict the sixteenth. He sends saints to bring My love to the world (Saint Padre Pio, St. Teresa of Calcutta, and many more). When people still do not listen, He sends My Mother again to bring messages directly from Heaven. My children of the world, it is not God who has abandoned you, but you who have abandoned God. There will come a time, My children when you will have your way completely. This is not My Will but yours. I will continue to guide, guard and direct My flock, My beloved sheep who walk with Me. I will not abandon you because I am the Good Shepherd. A good shepherd never abandons His sheep. Therefore, you will always find refuge in My Sacred Heart and in My Mother’s Immaculate Heart. Go there often to find refuge from the storm. This is what you must do, My children for your protection from evil. Pray, pray, pray. Pray in your families. Pray with your friends. Pray alone. Take every opportunity to pray. I especially invite you to pray the Holy Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet and to frequent Holy Mass and the Sacraments as much as you can while this is available to you. I will always hear your prayers, My beloved children. For those of you who are living in sin, repent and return to your family, the family of God. I will forgive you, but you must not wait any longer to come to Me. The time grows very short now and the hour is late. This is the Time of Mercy so do not fear but come quickly. Run into the arms of your Jesus. I am waiting for your love and for the opportunity to forgive you and lavish My love upon you. But you must come, for I do not violate man’s free will.”

“My daughter, My beloved daughter, you feel you are far from Me. I assure you I am near to you. I know everything, My little one. I know how little you are and in spite of what you think, I love you very dearly. I know you believe in Me and in My love, but you feel very small and unworthy. You have been blessed with many friends who have gifts from My Holy Spirit and you do not feel worthy of gifts from Me, even though you and your family have a special mission. My little one, do you not realize I give you even your littleness? That is a very beautiful way and it is not for everyone, though now I wish it to be so. Many of My well-loved children do not accept the littleness I ask of all of My children. Be content to be who you are My little lamb, for I made you this way. How I long to keep company with little souls. These souls refresh and renew My hope for My children. You allow Me to use you, My daughter and do not expect more from Me than I am want to give because you trust that what I give you is perfect. My child, you have no idea how this delights Me. Do not feel that you are that little girl who stood alone because of being different, because of your love for Me, but see that I was saving you for only Me. I did not want to share you with the unholy world. Yes, My child, I know you are a sinner, and that you are not perfect. I know all. I also know your heart, your love, your undying loyalty and your zeal for your Jesus. I know of your trust, your faith in Me, your acceptance of the crosses that have been lovingly brought to you by your angels. I know of your heartache and your pain and how you smile through your tears and comfort others so they know they are not alone. I give you gifts that you do not see, so you will remain hidden and little. Pray, My child to remain so for this is a special gift. Do not worry about what others think of you or how they may misunderstand you. They do not have the wisdom of the Lord. Focus only on Me and what I have given you to do. Do not compare yourself to others. I know this is a temptation, especially with many holy friends. They are My gift to you, My child. You have a different calling; one that only you can fulfill. You are doing so now and you will continue to serve Me with your lovely ‘yes’. I love you, My child. You and your family are very precious to Me. Recall, the vision of us walking together on the beach. You were very small. This was given to you to show you I have been with you since the beginning and I walk with you each and every day through all the days of your life. I love you! You, My little one are the way I want you to be. I will give you everything you need now and each day even and especially in the days to come. More priests will come to you, My child. Remain open to them, no matter what they have done, do not judge them. Remember, My Apostles were very flawed and had much to learn. Until they were filled with My Holy Spirit they were afraid to preach as I taught them. They feared for their lives. Afterwards, they were enflamed by the love of God and filled with Holy Courage. You do not know, My children, how I will use My priest sons. Many of them are asleep and do not see what is occurring all around them. Some are leading My people astray. Pray for them. There is still hope, My children. Many will awaken from their slumber and will repent for the time they wasted. Many will rise to their vocational promises and will be filled with courage. They will embrace their Illumination with new zeal for the Lord. You, My child will support and encourage them. My precious son will be like a surrogate earthly father for them and will counsel them as a brother and a father. Your family will give them assistance and aid so they can go out to minister to those in hiding, My underground church. Yes, My child it will come to this and several families like yours will have this special ministry. Your home will be open to all I send and do not be concerned for your hearts will also be open. My child, do not be concerned. All has been planned since the beginning of time. Your family and friends in Heaven pray for you. Be assured of their prayers and continue to ask the saints and angels to pray for your intentions. All will be well. We walk together, side by side to face the storm head on. Recall the vision I gave you of the storm, in the woods at night. Re-read that message, My child for this storm is fast approaching and I want to reassure you of My presence and that of My Mother and yours. I bless you and your entire family in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace. I will be with you this week in all you do. My child, be confident in your work. I am using you. My adversary and yours wants to convince you otherwise. This is to discourage you and render you ineffective. Pay no attention to this. I give you all that is needed. I am all you need.”

Yes, Jesus. Thank You, my sweet Lord. Praise Your Holy Name now and forever. Amen! Alleluia! I love You, Lord!

“And, I love you.”

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