Final Preparations
Important Appeal from God The Father to All!
Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)
Red Alert
The END of our Freedom, of our Existence
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Easter Sunday

Hello, my dearest Jesus ever present in all the tabernacles in the world. Though I am unable to be with You physically; still I adore You in Your Eucharistic presence. Happy Resurrection Day, my Lord and my God. I love You, Jesus. I miss You in the Sacraments. I drove by church this evening and said hello to You from a distance, Lord. My heart was breaking at the thought of not being united to You in Holy Communion all these weeks and to think we couldn’t attend Mass during Holy Week. Oh, Lord, I feel we, Your people, have abandoned You. Who is there for You, keeping watch with You, Jesus. We feel abandoned also, Lord by our shepherds, though I know they are only trying to do the right things in the interest of public safety. Even though You prepared me for this time, I still felt utterly caught off guard. I couldn’t have imagined this separation from You would be due to a virus! How very strange, Lord and yet You have known all along. Oh, Jesus, we have had a most difficult and dark Lent, and yet we, Your people are a people of hope. We hope in You, Jesus. Lord, I trust in You. I trust You in all the areas of my life where I need Your light to shine. Oh, Jesus radiate Your light and illumine the sad and dark recesses in my heart where I feel such a loneliness for You. Light the darkness in my family member’s lives who suffer illness, emotional suffering and all sorts of trials. Lord, You are my Savior and I cling to You. I cling to Your mercy, Your love, Your power, Your strength, Your omnipotence, Your omnipresence and Your omniscience. Jesus, You are my life, my hope and my peace. Come Lord Jesus, come. Grant me Your peace. Do not abandon Your people, Lord. We wander in the wilderness without You, my Lord and even then, when I feel complete desolation, my mind knows You are with me. I know this, Jesus, because I know You and You are mercy, You are love, You are light, You are my joy and I know that You are always faithful even though we, Your sheep are often unfaithful.
Lord, forgive me for the times I have not loved my neighbor. Forgive me, Lord. Help me, Jesus to see Your face in the face of my brothers and sisters, especially when they seem unlovable. Oh, Lord, You looked unlovable to the stranger when You had suffered the scourging and were dragging Your cross to Calvary. You looked so bloody, Jesus; so beaten and bruised. Your face swollen and Your beard matted with blood. Oh, my poor Jesus, You looked unlovable and yet this is the way You looked because of Your great love for us. So great is Your love that You willed to endure such extreme forms of torture and suffering. Your body was wracked with pain, Lord and it was all for love of us. Oh, Jesus, when I see someone who appears to be unlovable, help me to see my adorable crucified Savior. Help me to love You, my Jesus in every person I meet. Lord, I am thankful for the Holy Saturday Mass we were able to ‘watch’ and participate in via the Internet. Oh, Jesus I have never seen a Bishop so sad especially on Easter. It was very obvious, Lord. Then, when he recessed and the camera showed the empty Cathedral, it brought tears to my eyes. Oh, Lord it is at such a time as this that we need You and to be separated seems so cruel. And, yet I accept Your Holy Will and whatever You allow to come our way. I trust in You, and You alone are worthy of my trust, Jesus.
“My child, My little one, do not cry. I am with you. I dwell in your soul. Do you not realize that I am with you? I speak to you quietly and softly and you know My voice. Are you now sensing the peace I am granting you at this very time? Yes, I know that you are. I know that My Children of Light have not abandoned Me, and I have not abandoned them, either. Pray for your shepherds. This is a time of testing. There will be other times when My Church will be closed, for other reasons and this time of testing is to prepare you, My people and your shepherds. There were other things they could have done to resist defying orders and yet keeping public safety in mind. Some are finding ways to provide for the sacramental needs of their flocks. Others did not think of these creative solutions and now they are very sad. There are ways to comply and still provide for My people. There are modern ways to protect My holy priest sons. Do not be angry with the Bishops, My child. They did what they thought best. Pray for them. Pray for their courage, wisdom and strength to persevere and to stand up for the Church. Continue to have faith and pray, My little lamb.”
“I see the work you are doing to prepare for others to care for My children who become gravely ill. This is not in vain, My child. You think about others who have time now to read, pray and reflect and you feel you are not doing what you should. I tell you this is incorrect thinking. I prepared you for this. I am also preparing you for another time when your work will be needed to save lives. My child, remember the nearly two years I provided you to pray, read and reflect? I gave you that time, My child and others did not have it then. They have time now, My little lamb. Now, you must work while they pray. Your work is very important and is your mission. I have entrusted it to you and only you, My child. I know you cannot do this alone, and that is why I work through you. Together, we will make a difference in the lives of many people. Many clinicians feel comforted knowing they can depend on you. The world seems to be unpredictable and constantly changing. They fear this virus and fear they may take it home to their children or give it to each other if they carry it. My child, you are their steady, dependable friend who will help them, reason with them, guide and direct them and serve them. Do you not realize how important that is for those who are under tremendous stress? You bring relief, My child. You bring them your Jesus. Do not be concerned about the times you think you have disappointed Me by not sitting at My feet. You are doing your best, My child. I know your heart. I know you love Me. I know you are doing your best to love others.”
“I am familiar with your weariness, My little lamb. I was weary, also. So many times, My Apostles and I walked for miles in the heat, with the dust seemingly everywhere only to arrive at a village where we were promptly rejected and scorned. There were other times when the light of love shone brightly in a little child’s eyes, and the faith of the people brought such joy to My Sacred Heart. Sadly, this was not the majority and a glimpse of My passion would flash before My mind. Oh, My child, no one has been more weary than Your Savior. I understand fatigue. Still we continue on, My child and do the Will of the Father. Give Me all of your burdens, all of your concerns, all problems that need to be resolved and I will help you carry them. My child, you cannot do this on your own, but together (with Me) you can. I will work through you. I will give you graces, My child. Ask for these graces each day and My Holy Mother Mary will give you all that is needed for each day. Remember to ask. This goes for all of My children. Ask and you shall receive. My child, My child, continue on in this time of darkness and be assured of My presence among you. Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the most Holy Rosary. My Mother and I are with you. St. Joseph also intercedes for you and for the Church. Persevere in your faith. At some point, this will end and it is then you must prepare for the next trial. There will be a brief reprieve, My little lamb. Make a list of all that you needed this time around and that has been difficult to obtain. Do your best, without being selfish or greedy, to obtain that which you may need for the next trial. I will guide you. Pray and ask Me to direct you.”
“The world is changing, My daughter. It is entering into the trial. You must go through this as I went through My passion. Then, will come the resurrection. The time of purification will be difficult but it is necessary. Do not be afraid. I am with you. I am with My Church. Pray, pray, pray. Offer all that you do each day in union with My Divine Will. Thank you for showing love, My child to one who feels alone. She feels less alone as a result of your kindness.”
Jesus, please help her. There does not seem to be a way out for her, Jesus but You know the answers to all life’s problems. Lord, You are the Way. Help her to find You, the Way, the Truth and the Life. Be with all who are ill, Lord, especially those in hospital with no visitors for weeks. Help them, Jesus. Show them Your mercy and bring them consolations so they know they are not alone.
“Thank you for your love and your prayers, My little one. Each soul is precious to Me. I am with My people in their hour of great need. I work through My children and so you all must be love and mercy also. Pray and then act. You must pray so you can act with love and not for false motives. Always pray and then serve out of a heart filled with prayer. I love you. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace My child.”
Thank You, Jesus. Amen! Alleluia!
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