Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Adoration Chapel

Hello dearest Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ! It is good to be here with You, Jesus. Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion, Lord. Thank You for our priests and our parish family. Lord, please open the hearts of those who do not know You, do not love You. Bring all those who are outside the Church home. Jesus, please help (names withheld) who are facing unjust accusations. How stressful this must be for them, especially now that (name withheld) is so ill. Our Lady who untangles knots, please undo all the knots that entangle (names withheld). Help them. Pray for them, Blessed Mother. Jesus, there is much injustice in the world. Please help those who are mistreated. I beg You for them, Jesus. If there is something I can do to help them, let me know what that is, Lord.
“My child, do not worry. I am in control. Only pray and continue to hope and trust in Me. Encourage them to do the same. Trusting in Me is the key that opens My Sacred Heart. I delight in those who trust Me. I pour out mercy on those who trust in My mercy. Encourage them to trust in My mercy.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You!
“How I long for My children to trust in Me and in My mercy. Never has there been a time in history when so many are in need of My mercy. My love and My mercy are the remedy for mankind. It is here for you, My children. Run to My mercy. Ask for My mercy and it will wash over you and refresh your souls. Then you will have peace; true peace. The world does not know My peace. The world cannot offer true peace. I am peace. Only I can give peace to hearts in turmoil and despair. Come to Me, children of this world. I am your Savior. I died for you. You do not understand the value in this. The world does not place value on human life, and therefore mankind does not see the great price I paid for redemption by giving My life. I, the blameless One laid down My life to set you, the entire human race, free of sin and free of the penalty of sin. Only I could take the sins of the world upon Me, for I am the God-Man. No other human being could do this for you, but only the One who was spotless and completely free from sin and also Divine. I AM! The only One who could redeem the human race and yet still many despise and mock Me. Yet, I wait patiently, ready at a moment’s notice to dispense forgiveness and grace because I am the merciful One. I knew you before you were created and I loved you then and I love you now, My children of the world. Come, open your hearts to Me and claim your rightful inheritance; reclaim your position in the family of God. Then, you will leave your place among the dead and will become one of the living; one who chooses eternal life. I know there are many among you who do not believe. There are many among you who do not think My mercy is for everyone. You who feel you are too sinful, too unworthy; I came for you! It is to you I am calling because My mercy and My love call to you. Yes, My little ones with great sin, I love you! I am calling you now to come to Me so that I can embrace you, forgive you and pour graces of mercy into your soul to cleanse it and make you whole again. Do not worry that I will change you. Instead rejoice that I will change you! What will you give up! You will be free of the ball and chains that oppress you, that weigh heavily on you. You will be freed from the nightmares and the wicked images that haunt your mind and your heart. You will be freed from the evil spirits that taunt you, criticize you and condemn you. I do not condemn. I forgive. I bring peace and liberty from the evil captors who oppress you. Yes, you will change. You will change from sleepless nights, to nights of peaceful slumber. Your lives will change from constant fear to enthusiasm at the future. Your life will be filled with hope where as now you live in despair. I tell you, once you seek Me, My mercy and My love, you will wonder at the life lived without Me and you will realize that you were dead, but now you are alive. Come to Me, My children living in darkness and drink of the waters of life. Turn to Me and you will not be rejected. Do not listen for one more moment to the father of lies who wants to see you dead and in hell. He wants your demise and works night and day to ensnare you. My holy angels work night and day to help you choose life, eternal life. It is up to each person to choose. You were created with free will. You have the power to choose until your soul leaves the body and stands before Me for judgement. Do not wait until the last moment, for it may be too late. Come now to the waters of forgiveness and mercy and drink. You will become a new creation, yes but you will become what you were intended to be from the beginning, your true self. You will not lose your personality, My children. You were created with your personality and dispositions. These will not be taken from you, but will become whole and integrated rather than disintegrated. I will heal you of your sinfulness and from the consequences that wickedness has had on your personality, so that what was once disordered, will become ordered. You will be free and will become new creatures in the Kingdom of God. Do not be afraid of this newness. I assure you that once you experience My forgiveness and healing, you will rejoice. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, so what are you waiting for My children? Come to Me. Bring Me your burdens, your concerns, your fears. Give them all to Me. My mercy covers all.”
Thank You, my Jesus! I love You!
“And I love you. This is all for the day. Meditate on My mercy. This is what is needed.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You for Your mercy, Lord. Thank You that it is ready and waiting for us. Jesus, thank You for the two young men in our parish who are discerning a call to the priesthood. Praise You, Lord! Guide and direct them on their journey to their vocations. Bless them; enlighten them with Your wisdom, Your love, Your mercy and Your peace. Keep them safe, dearest Jesus and may they do Your Adorable Will. I love You, Lord. Bless all Your holy priest sons and keep them always close to Your Sacred Heart and to Your Mother’s Immaculate Heart. Jesus, please send Your Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth and may the Immaculate Heart of Mary finally triumph in this world, so full of sin and sadness. Free us, Jesus from this oppressive darkness and open the floodgates of Your grace to wash over sinful humanity longing to be set free. ‘Create in us clean hearts, Oh Lord. Set a steadfast spirit in us.’ Your Spirit, Lord; the Spirit of the Living God. Praise You and thank You, Jesus. I love You. Help me to love You more.
“Thank you, My little one for your visit today. I hear your prayers and I hold them close to My heart. I walk with you, My child. Be at peace and know that I love you. I forgive and I love. I am with you as you embark on your journey. Be at peace. Trust in Me. All will be well.”
Thank You, Lord. Thank You for the many friends You provide me. Help all those who have difficult marriages, Lord.
“Yes, My child. It is good to pray for marriages. The evil one wants to destroy as many as he is allowed to destroy. Guard your marriages, My holy Children of Light. Protect them. Pray together each day for My Will in your marriages. Be a light in the darkness so that others will see your holy witnesses to marriage. Satan attacks My holy priest sons, My religious and My families. Do not allow this. Do not cooperate with him for he comes to destroy life and love. Bring everything to Me and I will heal all wounds. My little lamb, you and your husband are to be witnesses to love. You do not realize how many watch you and observe. Be love, so that others will see what I intend marriage to be. Yes, I know you have faults and you are far from perfect. I do not ask you to be perfect, only to be faithful, loving and merciful. This, My children gives others hope. Hope in Me which the world so desperately needs. Be of good cheer. All will be well. I, your Jesus am with you.”
Thank You, my beautiful Jesus. I love You!
“And, I love you. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go now in My peace and be children of the living, loving God.”
Amen, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.
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