Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Adoration Chapel

Dearest Jesus, ever present in the most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, I praise You, thank You and adore You. I love You, my Lord and my God. Lord, please protect and bless my family members and my friends who love You. Open the hearts of those who have cold hearts. Bring peace and consolation to those who are grieving. Jesus, last evening I met a woman who was very sad. I don’t know the cause of her sadness but You do, Jesus. Please give her new found hope and joy in You. Give her graces for love, peace and mercy. It was not the time for me to speak with her, Jesus due to the circumstances and being in a public place. She was clearly sad, though Lord. If there is any way You could send the people who love and care for her to help, please do so. If there is something I am called to do, direct me. Lord, please heal the broken hearted. I pray for the woman from (location withheld) who lost a loved one, that my friend told me about. I don’t know her name, but You do, Jesus. Give her peace, Jesus. She is very far from home and can’t attend the funeral. Lord, please give her the opportunity to travel there for the funeral. She needs to be with her family, Lord. If this is Your Will, may it be so. If not, give her consolation, Jesus. Be close to her. (Personal intentions omitted) Please bring complete spiritual, emotional and physical healing for all. If there is something I can do, my Lord let me know. Direct my steps. Lord, please bring (name withheld) back to Church. Restore her relationship with You and with us, Your family. Help her to have an awareness to Your presence in the most Holy Eucharist.
Jesus, I pray for all marriages; for healing, reconciliation, unity, love and friendship. Help married couples. Jesus, there are apparently some people having difficulties with their marriages in our parish. Guide them and guard their hearts. Have them see the traits, the qualities, the talents of their spouses, as they did when they first met and began to be acquainted with one another. Heal them, change them, bless them. Help them to begin to understand the beauty of the Sacrament of Marriage. Restore their love and their joy. Help those who are considering divorce to decide for their sacramental marriages, Jesus and give them many graces for courage, perseverance and love. Protect their children, Lord and restore their sense of safety and confidence in the love their parents have for one another. Jesus, You have promised to grant every prayer that comes from the heart. Surely, Jesus when we pray for those we love, our family, our friends, our neighbors, You will hear and answer. Jesus, I love You. Help me to love You more. I pray also for the priests and religious, the Bishops and the Holy Father. Bless and protect them. Give them graces to love Your Holy Catholic and Apostolic church, heroically. Give them graces for courage, fortitude, to instruct the faithful and to admonish the sinner. Protect their most precious gift, their vocations. Direct them, Lord. Guide them and give them a heart full of love for their flocks.
Jesus, I have many faults. Heal me of them, Lord. Help me to improve so that I die to myself and can be more empty and therefore filled with You, Jesus. I give You all that You have given me, Jesus; my life, my work, any actions I do in charity and love, all that I am (including my faults) and all that I have. All belongs to You, my Jesus to use as You Will. Lord, You said to ask of You what it is we need. Jesus, there are many needs. I lay them all at Your feet, and the foot of the cross and ask You to do all that is needed. Replace all that is lacking in me. Take my temperament, my worries, my lack of focus, my irritability and replace these with Your dispositions. Sweet Jesus, I also give You the positive traits You have given me and I ask You to use these more so that I grow closer to You and bring others close to You as well. Lord, help us financially. Guide me, direct me to the work that would be good for my soul and good for my family. Lord, I pray for the Cursillo teams and for the candidates whom You will send to participate on the weekend retreats. Give all of them many graces, Jesus. Help us to be more zealous in our spreading of the Gospel, in our evangelization and our prayer and action for Your glory. Help us to be salt, leaven and may we spread Your light. Jesus bless the cast of Cross and Light and all who have volunteered to bring this show to those who desire closeness with You. Open the hearts of all who come to the productions today. Spread the fire of Your love, mercy and peace. Thank You, Lord for Your life, death and resurrection. Thank You for Your church, and for the Sacraments.
Thank You, Lord for listening to my many requests. I am grateful that You are patient and that You love to hear my requests for others. You are kind, merciful and full of love. I know there is nothing You wouldn’t do for my family, friends and my brothers and sister in the world as long as it is good for souls. Praise You Lord God, my Savior, my King.
“My child, I am pleased that you bring your petitions to Me and that you ask confidently for the needs of your loved ones and friends. Yes, the needs are great and numerous but you address them to the One who can do something to resolve them, to grant your requests, to heal and to mend. I am pleased with the motives of your heart. My child, I am pleased with your service, and for your openness to the prompting of My Spirit. You moved to take action as a result and by doing so you helped (names withheld) in need and this had an impact on many others. They were unaware of this, My child, but I know, I see and I care. Continue being open to Me, My little lamb. Do not forget that I am always with you and even when you struggle due to your fatigue, and allow Me to lead you to yet another act of service, remember I am there to assist you. You followed Me, little one, and then forgot I was there to help you.”
Yes, Jesus. I did! You are so perfect, Jesus and I so imperfect. I see this clearly, and if I had been more aware of Your presence in the difficulties, I am sure You would have given everything needed. Instead, I struggled and was more stressed than I should have been. I didn’t mean to leave You there, standing alone when I could have enlisted Your aid.
“My child, I still assisted you, but you did allow yourself to become anxious. This is understandable, My daughter, but unnecessary for one who is so close to My Sacred Heart. Do you not know that I Will to provide you with every grace needed at every moment? You are growing, My child and you are learning to be in tune with My direction and My promptings. Remember, that I accompany you in your response to My prompting. If you did not respond, My child, there was no one who would have. I mean this, dear one. In this case, there was no one else to send who would have fulfilled all that was needed. Once you arrived to serve, I provided others to help, but they would not have been sent without your ‘yes.’ I will not send you on a mission, My child and then leave you to fail. Thank you for your ‘’yes’ and for thinking about the needs of the people today. My child, I have more work for you to do and it is important to learn these lessons now. With every step of progress made, new challenges present themselves and so I move you through the learning process, My child, as a good teacher, mentor and friend. Have confidence in Me, My child. I will never abandon you. My child, thank you for providing comfort, solace and loving friendship to those you met at the dinner. Your ‘yes’ allowed Me to work through you.”
Lord, sometimes, I don’t understand how You can use me when I made a mess of things by becoming overly frustrated. You are very merciful, Jesus.
“My little lamb, you must begin to be more cognizant of My ways. I put you in the position to lead yesterday, to complete the tasks at hand, but these tasks were not the sole purpose I had in mind. This was only the vehicle I used to position you in welcoming the strangers, the friends, the lonely and the hurting. Each person you met needed something. In some cases, they needed to be of help, of value, and these souls I commissioned to come to your aid. Some needed a smile, an act of service and love and you provided this. Little (name withheld) brought much joy, innocence and respectful service to those who are losing hope in the future, and for those who are distant from their grandchildren. He assisted you by his focused service and his loyalty to you and you in turn instilled confidence in him, respect and joy. The mutual love you, (name withheld) and he had was a beautiful example to others who have lost hope in the family. My daughter who is hurting and lonely was able to find some solace by sitting with (name withheld) while he ate and he gave her much joy. Do you see the giving and receiving that occurred with even the briefest encounter of love? My child, you are unaware, but there were people present who felt alienated from friends, family and even some who feel this way about Me, and your joy, your love, your service to them, asking nothing in return served to reconnect them, My child. My Children of Light do not realize the extent to which I use their seemingly small acts of kindness. The world, My children is very dark. Hearts are cold and dark. Only My love can and will change this My children, and I work through you to bring about these changes, these conversions. Take heart, My children for all that you do out of love for Me is multiplied, just as I multiplied the loaves and fishes. I multiply your acts of service done in love. I multiply the prayers, the good will, the loving concern of your hearts. I work through you and with you, My beloved children. Be open to Me. Be open to My Holy Spirit. I am with you. I do not leave you to face problems and difficulties alone. I send angels to help you, people to assist. The saints in Heaven intercede for you. Do everything with love, My children, no matter how small the task or act seems. Remember, it is not small to the one who is in need. Even a smile can be used by Me to touch the wounded heart of another. You are making a difference in the world, My Children of Light. Together, we make a difference. Be encouraged. While you are to be encouraged, and full of hope, you are also to be alert and aware of the urgency of the times. This is why I invite you to be of service to your fellowman, no matter how small or large the need. There is nothing I can’t or won’t accomplish through those who seek to do My Will with love. So, remain alert. Be aware of those around you and be light, love, mercy and joy for them, My beloved little children. Live the Gospel and be at peace for I am with you.”
Thank You, Lord! Thank You for Your presence and for Your love.
“My child, I love you, also. I will provide for your needs and this includes your physical needs. Be at peace and know that I am always with you.”
Thank You, my Jesus. Thank You, my Lord, my friend, my Savior. I love You. Help me to grow even closer to You. May Your light shine through my many flaws, Jesus. Do not allow my faults and imperfections to make Your light less bright but shine even brighter through me, Jesus so that no one sees me, but only You, Jesus.
“My child I am carrying you now in your weariness. Rest in My embrace and lean on Me. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace. I am with you and your entire family. I am with My son, (name withheld) and I am pleased with his efforts to grow and to love. All will be well, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld). Your Jesus is with you. Be filled with My peace and My joy.”
Thank You, adorable Jesus. We love You. I give You my ‘yes’, my will, Jesus. Use me as You desire.
“Amen, I say. Amen.”
(This is the first time Jesus has said “Amen” to something I requested. I am really surprised and don’t know what to think of this. When Jesus says “Amen” it has much weight. It is different than when we say it. My heart is full and I will reflect on this for a long time to come. Thank You, Jesus!)
Source: ➥