Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Adoration Chapel, Feast of Christ the King


Hello, dearest Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in You, I adore You, I praise and thank You, Lord God of all. Thank You for (priest’s name withheld) and the ministry You have given to him. Thank You for his ‘yes’ to You for his vocation. Blessed Mother, please protect him always. I pray for all of Your priest sons, that they will always have courage and trust in Jesus, and for their protection.

Lord, thank You that (priest’s name withheld) agreed to meet with (name withheld) for prayers of healing. Praise You, Jesus! Please may it all work smoothly. I love You, Lord! Please be with all who are ill and in need of healing, especially for (names withheld) and any others I have forgotten to mention. Lord, I pray also for our shepherds and for all who have not yet experienced the love of God. Please open their hearts to Your love and Your mercy. Jesus, anoint my family and me with the oil of gladness. Grant us holy joy, sweet Jesus. I love You and I praise You. Lord, you know my intentions. Please grant me a holy spiritual director. St. Faustina, please pray for this intention on my behalf. Jesus, have You anything to say to me?

“Yes, My child. Be at peace. I am with you. I love you and I know your heart. All will be well. You have carried many crosses for the Kingdom. Though you think they are small, they are given by Me and there is merit for others in your carrying them. I am with you. I will be with you as you go to (location withheld). My Mother will give all who make pilgrimage special graces for the times to come. You do not feel, nor are you aware of these graces, but nonetheless they are bestowed on you. You will need them for what is to come. One day in Heaven, all will be aware of the many graces they have received on earth. Make good use of these graces by being thankful for them and then show love to others because of your gratitude for all you are given.

My children, you have special graces and an indelible mark on your souls through Baptism and you are My children. You have great power through My Holy Spirit. I give you My Holy Mother Mary to watch over and to guide you. You have been given the gift of salvation. What have I not given to you? What have I withheld? I have withheld nothing and still I give more and more out of the depths of My great love for you. You are to give out of this treasure trove of graces to others. Give freely, children as I give freely to you. Do not be lacking in generosity for I assure you I am far more generous to you and with you than you can ever be, so give My love away. Give My peace and My joy. The more you give, the more you will be filled so do not fear the emptying.”

Thank You, Jesus! Thank You!

“My child, you are welcome. I speak to all of My children and I desire they heed My words to give to others what they are lacking; love and peace and joy. My little lamb, I spoke to your heart earlier, words that you questioned. I assure you these words were from Me. You did not understand that I would say these now after things seem to be going better in your country. Yes, your nation has been given a period of grace; however hearts must change or this period will be short lived. Your nation and peoples have been temporarily spared from more evil, but those, who do evil are still in places of high position and they are like mad dogs looking for any opportunity to fight. Much prayer and fasting is needed. I say to you again, My child, ‘Protect My priests.’”

Yes, Jesus, we will do so. I don’t know how, when or where, but I give You my ‘yes.’ Lord, this seemed so stern earlier and it did seem out of context for some reason. I believe things have begun to change, Lord and I am very grateful to You that evil did not prevail in our elections. I also see that evil is not going to quietly retreat, and there are many protests and clamoring that is also somewhat violent. Good seldom protests, Jesus. Only a few times in history have the good protested on a grand scale, but often the side for evil protests. It’s interesting. They will not go quietly; as that isn’t their nature. Lord, please grant them Your peace. Give them opportunities to hear about You and to know You. If they only knew You, they would love You, my sweet Jesus. You are precious, tender, loving, gracious, kind, merciful, gentle and all that we need in this life and the next. Praise You, holy Savior and Redeemer. Help those who do not know You, to love You and to experience Your mercy.

“My daughter, things will be changing, though your country has been given a reprieve. You are to protect My priests.”

Yes, Jesus. As You ask. It will be an honor and privilege.

“I will guide and direct you, My daughter. The details for now are unimportant. Only your ‘yes’ is.”

Jesus, (priest name withheld) said the triumph of Our Lady’s heart will be soon, he thinks. I said, ‘I pray it will.’ He said, ‘Yes, we must pray for this.’ Jesus, I pray for this now. Please bring about Your Holy Mother Mary’s triumph, the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart. Please, Jesus, please. Lord, please also enable progress on the roads for (location withheld). May You also work in our hearts as needed to prepare us. I trust You, Jesus, though sometimes it seems almost impossible for any progress to be made, but I know all is in Your timing. Thank You, my Lord that Your plans are for all of our welfare. You know what we need, Jesus and we do not know this about ourselves. We have such a narrow view, but You see all of Heaven and earth at one time. Jesus, I trust in You. Lord, help us to have hope that what we thought You wanted is true; that we are on the right path. Give wisdom and right judgment to (name withheld), Lord. Help him to know Your Will and to follow through. Lord, I love You. Help me to love You more.

“My child, My child you are growing in your love for Me. You worry about many things, but I give you My peace and ask for your continued trust. It is not time, yet but when it is, things will move quickly. Be sure to prepare your hearts for that is most important. This time of purification serves to prepare you. Trust in Me. The times I have told you about will surely come and this time of grace is a gift from My Father so that My children will be more prepared. Soon, My little lamb, when the Renewal comes, you will all say it has been worth the wait and the crosses.”

Jesus, will we be at (location withheld) before the Renewal?

“Yes, My child. You will be. Before this time,(the time of the Renewal), is the Time of Great Trials of which I have spoken. During the trials you will need to protect My priests. I will direct you. My Mother will guide them and ensure they find you and your family’s place of refuge. The Community will keep all safe through prayers, fasting and their love of My Mother. All will be well. The children will come also and by this there will be new life, healing and hope. All will be well. I will give what is needed. You must give your ‘yeses’ each day even when things are difficult. That is all that is required and I will do the rest.”

Thank You, Jesus. I love You. Help me to love You more. Help me to be in Your holy and perfect Will. Jesus, I fear leaving Your Divine Will. Please keep me safely in Your Sacred Heart and don’t allow me to offend You, who are all good and deserving of all my love. Thank You for being love, Jesus. Thank You for being mercy. Thank You for being peace. I adore You, Jesus, my God. May Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart triumph soon. May Her children cooperate with Your plan to bring this about, Jesus.

“My child, continue to pray for a spiritual director. I will send you one, but it is not at this time. I will bring this about in the future. For now, pray for the one I have chosen. Pray for him now in this time of waiting. St. Faustina prays, also. She is pleased with the one I have chosen.”

Thank You, Jesus. Lord, I do not understand now what is going to occur to set things off. What I thought might occur has changed direction so I am now unclear. (Probably was before, also.)

“My daughter, what you thought might occur was a possibility, but all depended upon prayer. Now, I am able to work, but there is still much at stake. You are still on shaky ground. More prayer is needed. Things will begin to unfold before your eyes. The man who was elected is endorsed by Me, but he is only a man. He can do a little but your prayers and the prayers of My children can accomplish more. Take heart, and know that I am God. I love you and I am in control.”

Thank You, Jesus! I love You!

“My heart awaits visits from My children. I remain here in the Blessed Sacrament awaiting My children. Tell them of My love for them.”

“Come to Me, My children. Come to the water of life where there is rest and peace. I am here for you and I will never abandon you. Though people in the world turn their backs on you, I will never abandon you. Come, walk with Me. I love You.”

Thank You, Jesus. You are love and mercy itself!

“My child, spend time adoring and praising Me. Gaze at Me, so I can see your face.”

Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. (Silent time spent adoring Jesus) Jesus, have You anything more to say to me?

“Yes, My child. I will be with you this week. I will accompany you, your family and all of My children en route to see My Mother and to be with Her. Thank you for your sacrifices. Your time will be a blessed time with one another. Be joyful and put all concerns aside so you will have open hearts. Thank you for your consent to do the Will of My Father. His plans are unfolding. Go now in peace. Be joy, love and mercy to others. Bear My light to a dark world. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.”

Thank You, Jesus. Amen! Alleluia.

Source: ➥