Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. Thank You that we are able to be here with You, today. Thank You for the beautiful weather and most especially for Holy Mass this morning. It was good to have (names withheld) there. You are kind and merciful. I love You, Jesus. Thank You for the many loving people You have brought into my life. I long for everyone to know of Your Holy Catholic Church and to learn about the richness and the beauty of Your Sacraments of life and love. Please bring about the Renewal, Lord so that the Holy Spirit is poured out upon us soon. We need You Holy Spirit desperately. Come, Holy Spirit, come.
“My daughter, it is good to have you and your husband here with Me on this Holy day of the Lord, My day. I love you both and We have much to discuss.”
Thank You, Jesus. We love You, also.
“My daughter, you bring many burdens with you today. Your heart is heavy. You see the signs of the times and in your soul, you sense the evil that surrounds you, though you cannot see with your eyes the reason for this. There are many spirits of darkness roaming the earth in this time waiting for the moment when they can overpower My children. You see events coming to a point of no return.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You for expressing what I am unable to articulate myself. Things look so normal, Lord. I see the beautiful sunshine and array of colors on this warm autumn day, and all looks right with the world. In my heart, I wonder what my hometown will look like after the destruction, but I don’t really understand why I think this way. It seems so cynical and yet I am a
positive, upbeat person. I marvel at the beauty of creation, the intricacies of the leaves and flowers and then I wonder how terrible it will be after the wave of calamities takes such a toll on the magnificent world You created. It’s such an odd progression of thought and yet it is with me frequently. Jesus, I want to focus on You, on goodness and truth, on beauty, faith and reason, yet I cannot ignore the sin, the filth that is embedded in our culture, our world. It is very difficult to comprehend, this state we’re in, and I wonder how we could have gotten this far away from living a life for You. We have many examples of what happens to sinful people who push God away, in Your Word. It is as if I don’t recognize my country anymore. This isn’t the same country as the one I lived in as a child, and yet it is. I know if it is this bad here, the world must be in a dreadful state since our country was founded for religious liberty. Lord, millions and millions of innocent lives are lost to abortion and the people pushing for a “re-definition” of marriage seem to be ramming their agenda down the throats of the majority. There is such a culture of death. Lord, I don’t understand all of this. It is too much to comprehend and too difficult to believe all of this is happening before our eyes and in such a short time! How did this happen so quickly, Lord?
“My child, it does not take long for evil to prevail when a people decide they no longer want or need God. As soon as it was decided there could be no mention of God in your public schools, and the Ten Commandments were restricted to ‘private display’ only, things began to spiral. The local laws that protected the Sabbath were also removed and buying and selling became the norm on My day, Sunday. When My children walk away from Me, I remove the protection from them. I will not act against My children’s free will, My daughter. I long to protect My poor children from evil, but they often knowingly walk directly into the forces of evil. When My children choose the evil one instead of Me, sadly I must allow them to do so. This causes much pain to My Sacred Heart, My little one. Do you see what has happened?”
Yes, I guess so, Lord. It’s astonishing that evil can be spread so quickly. Lord, it feels like a small minority is oppressing the majority. Is this correct, Lord?
“My child, it is usually this way. The governments who are communist operate in this manner. The majority of citizens within the communist countries are not in favor of communism, oppression and evil. They are rendered powerless, though by those in charge for their focus becomes one of survival. When people are hungry, their thoughts turn toward feeding their families and doing what they can to survive. Most people struggling to subsist have very little desire to fight for their liberties and for human rights. Every bit of energy goes into providing what little they can to feed their families. This is why the evil ones who plot and plan destruction, target the economy first. They first want to weaken My people, for it is easier to get My children to go along with government power when they are in need of food and a place to live. When the economy is brought down, evil prevails. Do you understand the connection, My little one?”
Yes, Jesus. I do now that you have explained it. Please have mercy toward us, God. Forgive us our sins. Turn hearts toward You, Lord before it is too late.
“My child the blood of the unborn that is flooding your country, cries out for justice.”
Jesus, I am so very sorry for this holocaust. We are so sinful, Lord. Please, Jesus, I pray for conversions, but to change these barbaric practices, our hearts must change. Lord, once You told me it is too late to stop the calamities that are coming for we need purification. Am I remembering this correctly?
“Yes, My little lamb. There is no turning back now. I sent My Mother to the world to warn My children. Most have ignored Her and those who paid attention in the early days, have lost interest in Her messages. They have fallen away and have become tepid. Still, She pleads with God the Father to allow Her to continue bringing the warnings and Her love to Our children. The Father listens to Mary most Holy and Pure for Her love is great. She risked everything to bring Me, salvation into the world and she forged Her will to that of Mine and My Father’s. Her heart remained nestled in the Heart of the Blessed Trinity and She is the only human being who has been able to delay My Father’s justice. There is no more time now, My child. Justice will be served and though the prayers of My remnant have lessened some of the chastisements coming, the cup is running over. The scales will be rebalanced, but not without much bloodshed, and loss of lives. Evil is rampant and it wants everything good that comes from God to be destroyed. Those who follow evil stoke the fires of hell with their ‘yes’ to My adversary and yours. They fuel the fires of evil and make mockery of the Lord Your God. This evil, this culture of death, this people of satan will get what they deserve. Unfortunately, My little lamb, many holy, innocent ones will suffer at the hands of evil. This seems unjust and yet, justice will prevail, for I, the Lord God am a just God. I will wipe away each tear of My little ones with pure hearts and I will carry them in My very own arms to Heaven where they will live in the light of My love forever. My child, My child, do not fear the wrath of God, for it is not directed at My holy ones.”
Lord, I have a deep sense of dread, because of what those who live must witness. The evil that roams the earth is already shocking to me. The violence of those who worship evil is too terrible to imagine, let alone witness. Lord, I do not fear You and I know I shouldn’t fear evil because You are with us and You cannot be brought down. You are God. I do have much anxiety for those who will be victims of this evil, especially poor innocent children and holy followers of You, Jesus. It is overwhelming; Lord and I think it would be better to die first before having to go through this horrific time that is coming. Jesus, my Jesus save us Your poor children. Protect the innocent little ones from witnessing such atrocities.
“My child, My child I am counting on My remnant to protect them. This is your mission and that of all of My people who follow me and see the signs of the time. You must be love to all in need. You are to live the Gospel in the midst of such darkness. Be light and love to all you meet. Pray for those who will lose their lives and for those who witness the coming atrocities. Pray for their healing, their protection. Many will be too shocked to move, and you must bring them to safety and to the refuge of loving Christians. Many martyrs will be made in the last days, for countless people will lose their lives rather than follow evil. For those who lose their lives for My sake and that of their brothers and sisters, will come immediately to Heaven no matter their past sins, for love like this covers a multitude of sin. My children, who are in a state of tepidity, wake up now for there is no time to waste. Turn your weak hearts toward God and allow Me to cleanse you of your sin and fill you with My love and My power. Come back to Your Jesus who longs to bring you into the family of God. My church awaits you and offers reconciliation. My children, if you refuse Me in these last days, there is nothing I can do to protect you, for you will have made your choice when the demons are loosed from hell to wreak havoc on the earth. Do not hesitate any longer for you know not the day, nor the hour that your lives will be required. My children of light, I call you to arms. Take up prayer in these final hours. Pray the rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Go to Mass and offer your Communions for your brothers and sisters who are not walking with Me. Pray for their conversion. Pray, pray, pray, My children. Fortify yourselves with My Sacraments and come adore Me in My Eucharistic presence where I fill you with many graces. These graces are necessary, for the times in which you live are dire indeed. For My children who used to come regularly to Adoration, return now. The battles are being waged for souls. My little ones, stop allowing yourselves to be distracted by the things of this world. If something disastrous occurred around you, you would focus on securing your homes and you would keep your children close at hand. You would go to Mass and receive Me in the Eucharist. You would run to Confession. My children, you would not think about going to a football game, shopping for trinkets and going to nightclubs. In a time of urgency or in the midst of impending calamity you would not be planning your next major purchase to fill your homes with the finest luxuries. No, you would not. You would fill your pantries with food, gather your children around you and begin to pray. This is what you must do now. Do not waste precious time pursuing forms of entertainment and materialism. Return to a life of simplicity, prayer and love. The time of urgency is here, My poor children. The time is now!”
Jesus, please move the remaining obstacles to building Your Mother’s community. Lord, if things are so very urgent as You say, and I believe You that it is, please hasten the building of our community. Isn’t this where you want us, Lord? Are we supposed to be present and formed in Our Lady’s new way of life to be able to accept the little children who will be victims of the atrocities? Lord, what of Your holy priest sons that you have asked us to receive during the persecutions? Lord, is it Your will that we have time to form community or will events spiral out of control before we can move? Jesus, I trust in You. The urgency in Your tone of voice, the authority and power with which You speak gives me cause to think there is no more time. Lord, not one of our houses have been built. There are no building permits, as You know. Lord God, what are we to do? Should we prepare to flee to the refuges You have established or should we continue as You have called us? It is very unclear to Me, Lord due to the sense of urgency which is understandable. Things are very fragile now, Lord. It seems the slightest event could cause our economy to plunge downward sparking fear and unrest. Things could spiral out of control very quickly, Lord. I think they would have long ago were it not for Your Mother Mary and yet we haven’t even begun to prepare for building and moving to community. Lord, You must help us. I realize this is all in your timing, Lord and I am absolutely fine with waiting as long as You say; however You are saying there is little time. Jesus, what do you say to me about this?
“My little one, make no mistake, the time of darkness is upon the world. Things are as unstable as you say. You are right in what you say about the fragile state of your economy. It is being propped up as a house of cards. I am in control, however and though the times are dire, and they are, I can move mountains. No barrier is too difficult for Me, for I am God. You must move into a new phase, and as I have instructed, prepare your house. You must be ready to move at a moment’s notice as soon as I give the word. There is much yet to be done on your part. I ask for more prayer, a renewed sense of focus on fasting and Your Jesus requests action. Prepare your house now so that you are ready to move. I need you and your family in position soon. Rest assured that I, Jesus will do My part in removing the final obstacles. Trust on your part and on those moving to community is what is needed. This is the time of your formation, My children, and yet it is also time for more prayer, fasting and action. There is much for you all to do to prepare your families to move. There are few families actually preparing. Think of it, My daughter. Everyone is waiting for the commission to grant permission when My very own Mother has called each of you to Her community. Of course I realize there are certain permits required, but trust in Your God to obtain these. Only a few families have moved to the region where Our community is to be. They have trusted in My Mother enough to move, risking much in the process. What are you prepared to do, My children? Many of you wait, thinking you will move when your businesses sell, when things are in perfect order, meanwhile the culture is falling apart around you. Have faith. Step out in faith My little ones. I, Your Jesus am counting on you. I will remove the obstacles, but you are not in position to begin at once when I do. Show more trust in Me, My children. Prepare yourselves now, trusting that I will remove the final obstacles just in time.”
Lord, are you saying we are all to move there now? I am confused, Lord. Are we to abandon everything, when some have businesses to sell and children to tend to before making such a major move?
“My child, My little one, that is not what Your Jesus is asking. There are those who have businesses to sell and I understand what that means and how much is involved. What I ask is that these businesses are put up for sale now, rather than a year or two from now. My children, prepare now. Do not put this off until all is ready for you must be prepared beforehand. It will be too late to start preparing to move later. These things take time and the process must be started now. It is an act of faith and trust to sell your homes and businesses now, but the timing is urgent. The timing is now. Trust in Me to have things ready on My end. Your trust in Me moves mountains. Better to be in the region as soon as possible, no matter what things appear to be for to wait too long will be very detrimental. This is why, My daughter I have asked you to put your house up for sale at the end of the year. Trust in Your Jesus, and all will go well for you and your family.
Ok, Jesus. Lord, please help (names withheld) to do what is needed. Guide them, Lord. Help them to be open to Your direction.
Blessed Mother, direct (names withheld) along the path the Lord wants them to take. There are many trials being endured, dearest Mother since consecrating ourselves to Jesus through Your Immaculate Heart. I know You are very well aware of our trials, Holy Mother. Sometimes these cause such distraction for us. Help us to hear Your Son’s voice amid the trials, persecutions, and “noise.” Help us to see the way we are to go to accomplish the work Jesus has invited us to in service to His kingdom. We are small and weak dear Mother. We often fail to see the way Our Lord is beckoning us to go. We want to follow Your Son, dear Mother. Help us to do so. Help us to hear our Lord’s directions. Help us to pray more, to fast more and to follow our Lord’s plan.
“My child, I am with you. I direct you. I invite you. Follow My Son. He has laid everything out for you and what isn’t provided must be acted on in faith. Your response to My Son’s direction is vital to your formation, the formation of My Community that My Son has graciously allowed. This will come to fruition, for it is God the Father’s plan. He allows for the “how” to be carried out by Me in some cases, for He is most generous and merciful. As you are learning, Our Lord allows participation. He welcomes it. One might say it is required, however only by our free will. God the Father does not coerce or manipulate. My Son is most generous and He invites. He calls, He woos His children, but never ever has He ever forced anyone to follow Him or to take His advice. All that is accomplished by God is done so in love. So, in love you must respond. Out of love, you may say, ‘Lord, we will do as You say, for we trust You. We love You. We want only to please you.’ In that way, God’s power is unleashed and He will do whatever is needed to remove each and every obstacle. Pray, My children and trust. My Son is worthy of your complete fidelity and trust. I know so, and I tell you so. My children, there is nothing He won’t do for you. Do not wait to see this, though. Trust in Him first and act, always, always through prayer and guidance by the Holy Spirit. You have nothing to fear. However, I urge you to resist the temptation of complacency, and also the temptation to be preoccupied in your work, and to procrastinate in the preparations that are needed. Put God first. Seek His kingdom. Seek His will above your own. That is the surest way to holiness. Always ask what My Son would have you do, what He would have you say. Listen to Him. Act upon His guidance so that it will go well for you. A great chastisement is coming, My children and we are not only trying to prepare you to endure this, but also to be in a position to help your brothers and sisters, for in this way you can live the values of the Gospel. That is all, My little children. It is that simple, and yet faith and trust are required. Begin now, so that you are exactly where God asks you to be and you are prepared to fulfill His mission. I love you and I thank you for your consecration. I cover you with My Mantle of Protection under which you can endure the most difficult storms. Though tossed about, not one hair will be harmed if you choose to remain beneath My Mantle. Come, My children into the refuge of My heart. I will not lose one child who is in My heart. I know this for God Himself has revealed this to Me. He is a good and gracious Father. Remain in My heart dearest children. Carry your burdens awhile longer for you carry your brothers and sisters who are not carrying their own crosses. You must carry yours and theirs as well for a time. Do not worry that you are too weak, for you have only to call on Heaven and upon your angel guardians for assistance. These burdens are heavy but not when you ask for assistance from the angels and saints. All of Heaven is ready ad prepared to assist. All of Heaven has been prepared and briefed regarding the times in which the church militant is living. You have only to call out for assistance, for grace and it will be yours for the asking. My children, My remnant children of the Living God, you must be holy to spread My Son’s light, His love. He has asked you on many occasions to be love, to be light, to be mercy. I ask you also to be trust. I thank you, My children. I love you. Listen to My Son.”
Thank You, Blessed Mother of God. Thank You for being our spiritual Mother. We love and need You in this valley of tears. Stay with us dear Mother, for the hour is indeed dark. Darkness surrounds us, but we will keep our eyes on You and You will take us to Jesus. We can walk through blinding storms as long as You hold our hands and guide us. Thank You for showing us the way to Jesus. Thank You for calling us back to Your Son. Take us soon to the new way of life dearest Mother. Help us to have more trust in God. Give us the graces to love heroically and to pour our lives out in service to God. We give our ‘yes’ dearest Mother so pure.
Lord, thank You for sharing Your Mother with us.
“You are welcome, My child. Your peace has returned now?”
Yes, Lord. Just the sound of Your beautiful Mother Mary’s voice puts me at ease and fills me with peace. My soul and my heart become quiet and relaxed when she speaks. She is so very beautiful and pure. She is love. Thank You, my Lord and my God.
“You are welcome, My daughter. All of My children have a share in My Holy Mother Mary. I withhold nothing from My children; not even My very own Mother.”
Thank You, Jesus. You are all good and truly deserving of all our love. Jesus do You have anything more to say to Me?
“Yes, My child. Renew your sense of fervor in your prayer and fasting. Fasting may make your bodies feel weak for the day, but it strengthens your will, and your soul. This is needed for your formation and will be the strength needed in the future. I bring many graces to souls who fast. Your prayers are even stronger on these days of fasting. Do not let down your guard and do not be slack in your fasting. This is the time to be fortified in prayer for in future times you will draw upon these graces that are being stored now.”
Thank You, Lord! Lord, is it true, what I heard yesterday about ISIS?
“Not entirely, child, although it was partially correct. Your government didn’t plan ISIS. Suffice it to say, it sees advantages in aligning with this horrible vicious evil group that spares no mercy, even for the most innocent. This intrinsically evil group of followers of My adversary delights in the most violent of crimes. Their hatred is fed by blood. Your government, in its corruption and power has seen fit to use this evil group to its own advantage. There is nothing more I will say about this now, My little lamb. This is a great disappointment and even shocking to you, I realize. This is a small insight to the depth of evil your government has stooped. I tell you, My innocent little children, the babies, the toddlers, the children younger than the age of reason call out to Me, their Jesus. Their pure voices cry out to Heaven for mercy and justice. Mercy and justice will be theirs. All is coming to a climax soon, My children of light. Continue in service of your Lord and of your brothers and sisters. Stay on the path I have laid out for you, for I say again, souls are at stake.
That is all for now, My daughter. I love you and I thank you, My children for your love, fidelity and service. Keep your eyes on Me, and your face toward Heaven. Contemplate My mercy, My
Sacred Heart. Contemplate the richness of the garden in My Mother’s heart. Her heart is Immaculate and nourishes your souls. Remain close to Her. Pray in your families as I have taught you to do and prepare for your move. I love you and I bless you both in the name of My Father, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Remember to ask the saints I have assigned to you for prayers and for graces, for many graces are needed in these most urgent of times. All will be well.”
Thank You, Jesus. Please be with me as I begin the work week, Lord. Help me to bear all trials with dignity and grace. I invite You into every meeting and into each conversation, Lord. Guide, guard and direct us, Lord so that we continue on in Your holy and perfect will. Lord, please be with the Holy Father, Pope Francis. Bless him and direct him in this most difficult time of persecution. We love You, Jesus.
“And I love you.”
Source: ➥