Final Preparations
Important Appeal from God The Father to All!
Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)
Red Alert
The END of our Freedom, of our Existence
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love, adore and praise You, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Thank You that we are able to be with You today, Jesus. Thank You for (name withheld) who came to stay with (name withheld) so my husband and I could come, pray and adore. Lord, please help my daughter with her situation at work. I know You are aware of everything that goes on in our lives and so You know she was made to work today. She is really suffering over this, Lord. Please help her, guide her and direct her decisions. She is unsure how to handle this, now Lord. I pray for the owners who have discounted their agreement with her and who are treating her unfairly. Lord, she is working more now than those who have been complaining. She continues to smile, be kind and accept this suffering, Lord but it is a very heavy cross. At what point are we, Your children supposed to walk away, Lord? Please guide her in what to do, Jesus. She loves the people with whom she works and also the customers. It is most difficult to face being ostracized and talked about in the workplace. Protect her, Lord from those who want to do harm to her. Thank You that You walk with us, standing by our side during times of strife. Jesus, we trust in You. Lord, what would You say to this, Jesus?
“My daughter, the days of observing My laws, especially that of the Sabbath are long gone in your country. There was a time when there were no businesses open on Sunday and the majority of people worshipped Me, prayed, read scripture and honored Me. There was much more peace in the world and most especially there was peace in Christian nations. Then, one would have raised their eyebrows and wondered about one who worked on Sunday, the day of the Lord. Now, the opposite is true. Those who seek holiness and walk with Me, Jesus, are the ones mocked and scoffed at, persecuted. Know this, I Your God see all; I hear all. I know of those persecuting My little ones. Woe to those who persecute My children, and to those who cause My little ones to sin. Turn your hearts back to Me now, before it is too late; far better it would be to never have been born than to lead My holy, little ones astray. You who have no fear of the Lord your God, who worship money, power, prestige and mock those who are seeking the Kingdom of God, humble yourselves, for the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night and beware, be on watch or else your soul will be at risk of the eternal fire.”
Jesus, I haven’t heard You sound like this in a very long time. Lord, Your wrath is terrible and powerful. I know You are a just God for You are holy and perfect. Your heart is also merciful, My sweet Savior. Please have mercy on my brothers and sisters who are blind. They do not understand what they are doing Lord for they have been affected by this society that has been off track for a very long time. Lord, there is still some goodness in their hearts. Lord, forgive them, for they know not what they do, Jesus. Lord, (name withheld) wanted me to tell You ‘thank You’ for Your words to him last week. He said it was very encouraging and helped him so much. I am paraphrasing, but he was most grateful, Lord. Thank You for Your love and Your mercy, Jesus.
“He is most welcome, My daughter. I am with him and I will continue to be with him during the difficult days ahead.”
Thank You, Lord. You are all good and deserving of all our love. Jesus have You anything more to say today? Or shall I sit there in this oasis of peace and quietly adore You, my Lord and my God, my beloved?
“My daughter, there is much to say; much to discuss. My child, Your Jesus is angry with My children, especially those who know Me, pray to Me when they need something, but who quickly forget Me when it is convenient to do so. My children who are devoted to Me only when a loved one is ill or they are worried about one of their children, push Me out of their minds and out of their lives as soon as their loved ones recover or their children are safe. They go on with their lives with the knowledge that I am God, but that I am at their beck and call. They forget how they felt when they needed me and I drew them close to My heart. I poured out My love and mercy on them and gave them the sweet taste of the graces of love of God, the consolations from Heaven. I stayed near them while they were sleeping and took special care of their loved ones, sent additional angels to minister to them and gave them a glimpse of what it is to be in union with Heaven. I do this, My child, knowing full well they will abandon me as soon as their own needs are met, but still, I love all of My children. I long for them to return to me and to invite Me into their hearts once and for all. I show mercy to each child of mine no matter the state of their souls when they cry out to Me. Once My children experience graces from Me and from Heaven, and they turn back to their wicked ways, it is worse for their souls. This is a condition worse than before, My daughter, for after having prayed to Me, after having My graces of love and mercy flood their souls, they have the knowledge of My love. They have graces for love. To then walk away from Me presumes much. To abandon Me, yet again is worse than not knowing Me and living a life of selfishness. Do you see, My little one, why I, Your Jesus am angry? Do you begin to see why I, your God warn those who break My Commandments, when they know better, will incur My wrath if they choose not to repent? It is one thing to do so in ignorance and quite another to do so out of disregard for Me, out of indifference toward Me.”
Yes, Jesus, this makes sense, and Lord I am sorry for us, Your ungrateful children. We do not appreciate Your love, Your benevolence, Your mercy and we do not deserve You, dearest Lord. Please forgive us. Help us to see, Lord. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear, and hearts full of love and remorse for having offended You. Jesus, please forgive me for the times I have not loved You as You deserve, for the times I have shown disregard for You, or have failed to show love to my brothers and sisters. Please accept my apology, Lord God of all. You are worthy of our complete love and trust. You are so beautiful, loving, powerful, merciful, kind, tender, and all knowing. You, Lord are truth. You, Lord are love. Jesus please forgive us, poor creatures for not recognizing, for not adoring and loving our Creator, our Father, our Lord and our Redeemer. What can we do, Jesus to console You? There is no way to make it up to You, Lord, for You are God. I can never give You enough, Lord for I have nothing worthy of You, my
God. Still, all I have and all I am is Yours, Lord. I give You my life, Jesus I give You all that You have given me, for it isn’t mine anyway. I ask You to do with me as You will. Jesus, I trust in You.
“My child, this is all I have ever wanted, to walk with you, to belong to you and you to Me. I thirst for the love of My children. Each child of Mine is precious to Me. My heart burns for love of My children. All I desire is to be your friend, to be your Savior, to love and be loved. In this way, loving Me, all of My children will then love one another, as well. Love, unity with Me, unity with one another; this is what I, Your Jesus desire. My children of this current age have either forgotten or have never learned the meaning of love. Love is to put the other first, to think of the one who is the object of love, first. You see, My children, I put you first. You have the first place in My heart. Such is My love, that I died for you. I would rather die, than lose you. What, poor lost children, do you love? For whom would you die? Reflect on this. Be honest with yourself. The answer will tell you the state of your soul. Choose Me, My children. If you do not choose Me, than you are choosing eternal darkness. You know not the day, nor the hour when your lives will be required. Do not put off the most important choice of your entire life, for you may not have tomorrow. When your decision is sealed in hell, there will be no escape. Do not wait to turn your life over to Me, for I am a merciful God. I am forgiving. I am a loving God. I have a beautiful place, My Kingdom waiting for you. How can you possibly live in My Kingdom when you despise Me, the King? You cannot, My children. You are lost and wandering in the desert, parched, starving, and following a guide who leads you deeper and deeper into the desert. He leads you away from the oasis where pure water is waiting for you. He lies and tricks you into believing that just around the next dune, there is water. In the meantime, the heat is oppressive, the flies bite and sting you and you continue to believe the deceitful guide. Turn your eyes toward Heaven, My poor lost children, before it is too late. I am the water of life. I will quench your thirst and bring you under the shade of My Mother’s mantle. I will give you cool, fresh water to drink and console your wounded heart with words of truth and light and love. Have no fear, My children. Your Savior is here for you. I am here, but waiting for your ‘yes’. I await your repentant heart to say, ‘Jesus, I am sorry I have been so far from You. I want to return to You Jesus, but I do not know how to come back. Show me the way back to Your heart, Jesus! That is all, My darlings who are so lost, so blind, so far from Me. It is this simple. I will embrace you and lead you on the path you must follow for forgiveness and a fresh start. Come, My children. Do not delay. The evil one sets traps for you, he discourages you and lies to you, saying you have ‘all the time in the world.’ Do not listen to one who wants you dead. Listen to the one who brings you life. I, dear children am the only one you should listen to, for I showed My love with My very life. Come back to Me, My little lost children. Return to your rightful place and receive your inheritance. I love you.”
Thank You, Lord that You love us, even when we are disobedient and spoiled. Help us to be holy, Lord. Help us to see the dark marks on our hearts and bring them to You for healing.
Thank You for the Sacraments, Lord so we can encounter You, receive grace, and be healed. Forgive us, Lord. Forgive me, Jesus.
“My daughter, do not be sad, your Jesus is pleased with you and all My children who follow Me. There now, smile. Your Jesus loves you. I am directing these words to those who are walking away from me for fear they will need to change their self-centered lives. Their souls are at stake, My daughter and I plead with them for I know the terror that awaits them if they remain unrepentant.”
Yes, Jesus. I see, Lord. Still, I am a sinner, also. I am unworthy and do not deserve Your love, Your mercy, Your forgiveness. Still, You give it freely even though I do not deserve it. Thank You, my Lord and my God.
“My daughter, My love and mercy is available to each and every child of Mine. They have only to ask and to receive. If they knock, the door to My heart will open.”
Yes, Lord. Jesus, there is much fear in our country due to the Ebola virus, and also due to ISIS. There is so much evil around us, which I think others see. There are unlawful unions which are now becoming ‘lawful’. Things are in such disarray, Lord. St. Paul’s words are comforting, “Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more.” Or words such as this. This world is really hurting, Jesus and it is ever more difficult to dwell here. What would You say to this, Jesus?
“My little lamb, it is precisely as you say. Temptations are all around you and all of My children of light. Satan and his minions roam about the world and their influence, along with the predisposition to sin, is great. This age of disobedience will continue until it reaches its peak. I will then intervene, and all will know that I am the Lord, God of all. Pray for your brothers and sisters, that their hearts will be open and that they choose Me, God. Fast for them and offer your crosses for them. Be love to others and in this way their hearts will be more open to Me.”
Yes, Jesus. Lord, I pray for our leaders, the bishops, to be strong in the face of the many persecutions. Help them, to lead Your church, Lord, in the way You want them to. Lord, what can we think of all that is going on around us now, with the Ebola virus, etc. The HHS focuses on the flu vaccination which does more harm than good, and ignores what is needed to prevent the spread of Ebola.
“Yes, My daughter. I am aware of this and all that goes on in the world. You are beginning to see firsthand what occurs when I am removed from the culture and the lives of My people. It was the same as when My people Israel began worshipping false gods and they became enslaved to the Egyptians. Read scripture, My children. See the signs of the times. It is all there for you and ever so clear for those who live with their eyes open. Pray, My children of light and offer your crosses for those who walk in darkness. Fast for them. It is not too late for some to be converted.”
Jesus, have You anything more to say?
“Yes, My child. You are weary and weighed down by the burdens others have created due to their bad behavior. You suffer, as do many of My children of light for you long for peace, unity and love. You long for Heaven. I encourage you now to continue on in the journey and the course I have laid out before you. Bring every burden, and concern to Me, your Jesus. Each time you fall, stand up and begin again. Bring your sins to Me in confession and frequent the Sacraments where I can give you many graces for renewal. Fortify yourselves with My sacraments, dear children of My heart, for we are entering the most difficult part of the battle now and it is not the time to surrender. I, your Jesus remind you that we will be victorious, because I, your Lord and your God am victory, life, truth, mercy and love. I already know the outcome, dear children. Take My Mother’s hand and she will lead you, My children. Do not be afraid, for united to My Mother’s Immaculate Heart and to My Sacred Heart nothing can harm you. We are entering the final leg of the race, so take heart. Pray, fast, frequent the Sacraments. Meditate on My Word and My Passion, death and resurrection. Pray the rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet for souls are at stake. The time prophesied in sacred scripture is at the door of this moment in history. All is about to erupt. You will see death and destruction, but also much grace, sacrifice, love and many miracles. Do not be afraid, for I am on the front lines with you, My children. My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph. Choose Me, My children for I am on the side of life and victory. Now is not the time to be discouraged, though I understand and am acquainted with such. Trust is what is needed now. Trust in your God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I, the Lord your God will never abandon you, but you must not abandon Me, your God.”
Lord, this is the most I have experienced of Your power, Your sense of urgency. Jesus, please remove every obstacle for Your Mother’s Community so that we can proceed with building a way of life that You and She desire. Lord, the hour certainly appears to be late, and darkness is upon us. Please do not delay in bringing everything in order for Your (name withheld) Community. What do we need to do, Lord to show our willingness, to prepare our hearts? What more is needed on our end, Lord? You said hearts need to change and You want others to experience the light of Your grace in this process. Jesus, You have the power and the authority to bring about these changes, these graces anytime You say the word, for You are the Word. Jesus, what is it that is blocking this? Is there anything we are doing or not doing, Lord that is preventing You from taking action, from intervening? We are small, Jesus and I realize we are lacking in trust. I know Your will and timing is perfect, Lord, but we are so far from perfection. What is it, Lord and why are we so far from where we need to be, to begin building the life You desire for us and have invited us to begin?
“My daughter, I see the longing in your heart to begin My mission for your family. You ask what is needed? More prayers are needed. More trust is needed. More love is needed. You are not causing a delay, however for all is going according to My plans. I encourage you and all of My children of the community to wake up to the noise and the distractions of the world around you. Satan and his minions create such noise and distraction. They create confusion and unrest around each one of My children, especially those who are answering My call to community. Therefore, do not allow yourselves to be consumed with the issues in your workplace, in your extended families, in the wider world. Arm yourselves with My Mother’s weapon, the rosary. Pray, fast, act and leave Me to do the rest. The order of this is purposeful. Never act, without first praying and fasting, My children for to do so is to take matters into your own hands. This is acting outside of My Divine Will. Pray and fast first so as to hear My direction, then act upon My guidance. This is what is needed, My children. Do not allow yourselves to follow the ‘Pied Piper’ like the children of the world do. Follow My Holy and Pure Mother. Follow Me. Ask the saints to pray for you. Ask your angel guardians to direct your path and to pull you back on course when you make a misstep. Follow My guidance, frequent the Sacraments, remain in prayer and it will go well. My children of the (name withheld) community, now that the journey seems difficult and you do not see the end of the road, you have begun to lose heart. This is the time to have heart, My children, My warriors. You are experiencing these doubts, this disillusionment for your formation, for your good and the good of others. Continue to pray and stay the course, for the path which you are unable to see clearly is directly in front of you. A little while longer, My children. My Mother is guiding you, of that I assure you. Love, unity and trust are what is needed, and this will be the case, both now and in the future. All is a lesson. Reflect and pray. That is all, My children. Trust is what is needed and your Lord is worthy of your trust.”
Thank You, Jesus for these words of love and for the lessons You teach us. Your patience and mercy are endless, Jesus. Thank You for the love and care You show us, Your poor children. I love You, so much Jesus. Help me to love You more. Help me to trust You more. Forgive me for the times I have not loved, have not trusted. You are everything to me, Jesus and I don’t know why I am so weak and so slow to learn, but carry me, Jesus. Lift me, Jesus when I cannot see. Lift me above the fog, the clouds so that I can see more clearly in the light of Your love. I
am small, Jesus but Your love carries me to heights impossible to be reached on my own. Lift me higher, Jesus, in the arms of Your love and mercy for without You to carry me I cannot be what You ask of me. I love You, Lord. St. Padre Pio, please pray for me to be the child, the daughter God desires me to be. Ask Jesus to give me the graces I so need to be faithful, loving, trusting and pure. Help me, Saint Pio to have a heart full of love, for I am so lacking in love.
(St. Padre Pio speaks) “My spiritual child, I pray for you and I intercede before Our Lord for you and your family. All will be well. Do as Jesus says and I will help you. He wants so much for you and your family and what our Lord wants, He never fails to attain as long as the souls of His desire give Him their ‘yes.’ Consequently, you may rest assured, all will be accomplished in accordance with His will. God is powerful and you were witness to a small glimpse of this today, My child. It is indeed amazing to behold, and can strike fear in the strongest of saints, so rest assured it is understandable that you tremble with His words today. Remember, He carries you and He will only allow what you and He can handle together. When you are overwhelmed, remember you are carrying too much on your own, which is not good for you. You must remember to ask Jesus to help you. Invite Him to be with you in every situation to guide each and every conversation. In doing so, you will be protected and the greatest possible outcome will ensue. My child, continue on in your walk with our precious Jesus. All will be well, My child. All will be well.”
Thank you, my loving St. Padre Pio. Thank you for your guidance, your prayers and your love.
Jesus, my Jesus, thank You for lending St. Pio to me. He is such a good spiritual father and he helps me more than words can say. You are so merciful, Jesus. Thank You for the communion of saints. All of the heavenlies, thank you for your prayers. Please pray for our community, for growth in holiness and for an increase in love and trust. Thank You, Jesus for Your involvement in our lives. We love You and we serve only You!
“Thank you, My children, My son, My daughter for your time with Me today. I pour graces out from My heart on you and all those who worthily receive Me in the Eucharist and adore My presence. I love you and I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go out into the world and be My apostles of love and mercy. You are an extension of Me, dearest children of the light. Be My ambassadors, bringing love and mercy to all you meet. Go in peace now, My child for I am with you.”
Thank You, my Jesus, my Lord.
Source: ➥