Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday after the 2nd Sunday of Lent.

Our Lady speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through her willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


Today we celebrated Fatima and Rosa Mystica Day. A Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite was preceded by a Mass according to Pius V.

The altar of Mary was, as always, decorated with abundant floral decorations. The angels moved in and out and grouped themselves around the altar of sacrifice and Mary.

Our Lady will speak today: I, your dearest Mother of God, speak now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who today only repeats My words.

I will give you some information for the coming time. Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. You all held out. It was not easy for you. In this last time you have had to endure the most severe suffering. Continue to hold out during these last days, on these last steps of the Calvary, up to the mountain Golgotha.

As you all know, this modernist, Catholic Church is at the end. Your Heavenly Father has given you many instructions for this last time, His time.

Also I give you today, this day, some special instructions. In the future, pay more attention to the stars that are changing, because the signs of this time will be seen in the sun, moon and stars. You have overlooked many things, My beloved ones.

I, your dearest mother, will accompany you on the last path. If you persevere and accept everything from the Father's hand, the most severe sufferings, the most serious problems, you will be able to persevere until the end. But if you give up and lose hope for the time to come, you will not be able to endure. For only with divine power can this last time be passed.

For all, My beloved ones, it will not be easy. But if I, your dearest mother, accompany you, it will be a way of love. To suffer out of love is the greatest suffering you can imagine.

Hang in these last days, in My time. The Heavenly Father has already rung in this last time. All has already begun what is foretold in the Holy Scriptures. Whoever knows the Bible will also be able to believe. The messages that I give you additionally through the messengers of the Heavenly Father are firmly anchored in the Bible.

Unfortunately, only a few know the Holy Scriptures and claim to be guided by the Bible. Unfortunately this is not true. As you know, the truth is made out to be a lie in order to give precedence to Satan.

Everything will come to light, because nothing will be concealed.

Often you don't believe it, because the complete chaos has arrived in today's catholic and modernistic church. Many people who do not firmly believe will not survive this last time. They stand before the abyss and will plunge into the eternal abyss, if they do not want to confess the truth.

My beloved sons of priests I have been calling my attention for a long time. But they do not want to convert and do not turn back. It is up to her will. I, as Heavenly Mother, want all priests to celebrate this last time daily with the True Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass.

Nothing else, My beloved ones, can still save you. If you do not celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in truth, you cannot be saved.

Only then can you receive Holy Communion, the True and Holy Sacrament. This sacrament is so holy that no one who is in grave sin may receive it. Unfortunately, this is now legalized, because anyone can be admitted to Holy Communion, even those who are remarried and divorced. Unfortunately, this grave sin is not recognized today and the believers fall more and more into the grave sins because they no longer feel it and consider it right.

But I, as Heavenly Mother, tell you Only those who are in the sanctifying grace can receive the Holy Sacraments. This is the full truth, according to which the true Catholic should orientate himself.

I love you and bless you now, with all angels and saints, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be loved and strengthened with the Divine Power and pay attention to the commandments of God, which give you the guidelines for your future life.


