Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, January 11, 2021

Urgent Call of Helper Mary to the People of God. Message to Enoch

Flock of My Son, My Rosary Attached to Your Armor is Protection and Spiritual Strength, with Which You Will Defeat My Adversary and His Hosts of Evil!


My children, may the Peace of my Lord be with you all, and may my love and protection as Mother Help of Christians be with you always.

Flock of my Son, the course of your life is about to change, peace and tranquility will be lost very soon; great events that will completely change your life and daily life are about to happen. The time of my adversary and his emissaries of evil is beginning and what awaits humanity and especially the People of God is repression, persecution, imprisonment, submission, slavery, abuse and death. The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings.

I ask you, my children, to return to God with all your heart, because only in Him you will find peace, security, trust and solution to all your problems; only God can destroy the traps and deceptions that the emissaries of evil will set for you! The pretext of the pandemic will be used to subdue and enslave humanity; the confinements will make it more severe, because what they seek is to keep humanity submerged in fear and panic, so that it cannot protest; they also seek with the confinements to destabilize the economy of many nations, especially the poorest, in order to exercise over them, dominion and control. Bankrupt nations will be helped by loans, but in order to have access to them, they will have to accept unconditionally the whole agenda of the New World Order. Every subjugated nation will lose its sovereignty, its governments will lose autonomy, and will be ruled by the laws and policies of the New World Order.

The Sickle and Hammer will rule over the New World Order, and all those who rise against this regime will disappear. Private property will be lost in nations ruled by the New World Order, and even the parental power of parents over their children, especially the youngest. All will pass to the State, which will dispose of goods of citizens and families. The People of God will walk into exile; only those who have the mark of the beast will be able to buy, sell and enjoy the help and services of the state.

My children, from this year onwards, sorrows will begin for mankind, what sadness I feel in my Heart as Mother of mankind, knowing that the immense majority will be lost because they are far from God! The great tribulations are beginning, injustices, deceptions, mistreatments, repressions, submission, slavery, hunger and death, will be the desert that you will have to pass; only if you remain united with God and only if you remain united with God and drawn upon my Holy Rosary, you will be able to overcome these trials. Again I tell you, my Son's flock, do not let go my Rosary because it will give you great victories over the forces of evil; pray in chain with my Rosary and all plans and deceptions of my adversary and his emissaries of evil will roll down. Flock of my Son, my Rosary united with your Armor is protection and spiritual strength with which you will overcome my adversary and his hosts of evil. My children, it is time now to be united in prayer and recollection, because darkness, sin and evil already cover the earth. So, follow my instructions and do not let go my Rosary, so that you may be victorious in all trials.

May the Peace of my Lord remain in you, and may my Love and Motherly Protection accompany you always.

Your Mother, Mary Help of Christians

Make known, my children, the messages of salvation to the whole world

Source: ➥
