Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Thursday, October 17, 2024

Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ of October 9 to 15, 2024


Wednesday, October 9, 2024: (St. John Leonardi)

Jesus said: “My people, you have been given the gift of faith from your parents and your years of education. One of your Christian responsibilities is to share your faith with those people who are open to Me. By your example people can see that you are one of My followers. You can pray for all sinners, even those people who are against you. I gave My apostles the ‘Our Father’ prayer when they asked Me how to pray. With My Blessed Mother’s rosary, you also learned the ‘Hail Mary’, the ‘Glory Be’, and the ‘Apostles Creed’. These are the basic prayers that go along with the Mysteries of the rosary. I have asked My followers to pray your four rosaries and your Chaplet of Divine Mercy every day. You have many intentions: stop abortion, peace in the world, poor sinners, and the poor souls in purgatory. By making Me the center of your life, these prayers are part of your holy hour around 3:00 p.m. Keep your prayers coming to help other souls and your own soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know there is a coming division of the good people from the evil people. After My Warning and Conversion time, I will call My people to My refuges. Once the good people are safe under the protection of My angels, you will see the Antichrist declare himself, and this will be the beginning of the tribulation. I showed you before how there will be seven trumpets that will cause an affliction on the evil people who are not at My refuges because they were not allowed to enter My refuges by My angels. The angels will send plagues on the evil people. One trumpet would be how locusts like large scorpions will sting the people for five months, but they would not die. Other plagues would cause a darkness and a star like ‘Wormwood’ would strike the water to make it bitter. My refuge people should thank Me for protecting them from these plagues.”

Thursday, October 10, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a large cauldron full of souls who were Masons, and they worked with the devil, whom they worshiped. These souls were being poured into the eternal flames of hell to be with the devil and the demons. They were yelling and screaming in the flames. This was their punishment for all of the evil things they did on the earth. There are only two camps of heaven with Me, or hell with the devil. Every soul has to make a choice to be with Me or the devil. Keep focusing on Me as you repent of your sins, and you will be with Me in heaven.”

I could see Ina and Marie thanking us for the Mass intentions for them. They will be a short time in purgatory.

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, Hurricane Milton is the second large hurricane to hit Florida after Hurricane Helene, and they both brought damage to this state. You could again see damage to the houses, especially from the tornadoes where some people died. Pray for the souls of these people and for the people who lost their homes or had water damage. Pray for the people to get power, food, water, and communication restored.”

Jesus said: “My son, continue to take your exorcism water and your new medication so you can keep your bone marrow problem under control. You have faith that I will heal you when your refuge time will see your luminous cross of healing. I promised you that you will come into My Era of Peace. I also will minimize any side effects from your medicine or your bone marrow disease. You are My refuge builder and I will protect all of you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are using the HAARP machine to enhance your hurricanes into Category 5 storms. They are using these storms to upset your Presidential election, and there are reports that they are hindering private groups from helping people in North Carolina. The Democrats are lying when they say FEMA will help rebuild this damage because they are low on funds and they do not want others to get credit for helping people. These same people are calling such information disinformation and they criticize anyone talking about FEMA’s work. Pray for your people to get back to normal after these storms.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats do not favor Israel because they support Iran and its proxies. Israel is fighting for its very existence and they do not want a stoppage of war with the terrorists until they are all under control with no more missile attacks. Biden has been holding back arms, but America has troops in Iraq and many ships to help backup Israel. Your planes are already attacking the Houthis for sending missiles on your ships in the Red Sea. Your country could easily be brought into this war as it expands. Pray for peace in this area.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats will do anything to hang on to power in running your government. You are seeing four court cases and assassination attempts on Trump. The Democrats are desperate and they will cheat at the ballot box, and do things to limit people voting for Trump. Pray for Trump to win and keep your country free from being a communist state. You are truly voting either for communism with Harris, or for freedom with Trump.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is true that I am calling My refuge builders and visionaries not to travel for their own safety. I also want My refuge builders to finish up their preparations and be ready to accept My believers when they are called to My refuges. Once you are called to My refuges by My inner locution, you must take your backpack and leave your house within 20 minutes. Your guardian angel will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge, and they will put a shield of invisibility over you on your way to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, My believers have a choice to come to My refuges, or you can choose to be martyred if you do not come to My refuges. Those believers, who are martyred, will be brought into My Era of Peace. Your refuge life will be different as you will be in a limited space, and you will be helping each other with your meals, your sleeping quarters, your heating, and your Perpetual Adoration. Trust in Me and My angels to protect My believers at My refuges from bombs, viruses, and comets.”

Friday, October 11, 2024: (St. John XXIII)

Jesus said: “My people, you are well aware of how the demons are attacking families with addictions and breakups. You are even seeing it in your own family. You saw a church in your vision, and when people come to Sunday Mass and My sacraments, you receive graces to fight off the demons. I am more powerful than the demons, and My angels and your guardian angel will protect you. Stay close to Me in monthly Confession and Sunday Mass, and you will have all the protection you need. I love all of you and I do not want to lose any souls to the demons. Your daily prayers will keep the demons at bay. So Trust in Me to help you in all of your needs as you follow My Commandments of love.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have the one world people who are the elites that are destroying your country with open borders and weather making machines like HAARP that are causing enhanced hurricanes. These evil people want to weaken your country so you will be an easy takeover by the coming Antichrist. These evil ones worship Satan and they target Catholics and all Christians for your belief in Me. They want to kill religious people because they hate Me. This is why I am having My refuge builders set up refuges that I will protect, so My believers will have safe havens to come to when the Antichrist will bring his tribulation on the earth for less than 3½ years. Be thankful that I will shorten his reign when I will bring My victory over Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet. Trust in Me that My words are forever, and I will protect all of My refuges from harm.”

Saturday, October 12, 2024:

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am appearing to you today as Our Lady of Fatima because tomorrow is October 13th in my honor. It is sad that to some people I am not accepted with honor as in the Catholic faith. Truly I was given a grace of no original sin and I was sinless on the earth so my Son, Jesus could have a holy dwelling place while he was in my womb. The Lord has called me blessed and I give all of your requests to my Son, Jesus. He always listens to His mother because our two hearts are as one. Keep in mind that my messages at Fatima, Portugal are important because you are seeing the end time events beginning. Keep praying my rosaries for all of your intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, your news reports on the dead and missing people who died from Hurricane Helene in North Carolina only covered a few hundred people. The number of missing people is hard to determine because of the power outages and poor communications. It is unsure why there was not more reporting on the final death toll once power was coming back. There seems to be much more deaths that were not reported according to some witnesses. Do some research to check these numbers.”

Sunday, October 13, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, you have the one world people who are part of your death culture. These are the evil people who are trying to reduce the population so they have less people to control. They are behind the abortions that kill babies, the euthanasia that kills older people, the wars that kill young men, the viruses and vaccines that kill people, and all the chemtrails and HAARP caused storms that are killing people. These evil people will put power in the hands of the Antichrist. Have no fear because I will protect My people at My refuges and I will bring My victory over these evil ones. Then they will be punished for their crimes. I will bring My believers into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”

Monday, October 14, 2024: (St. Callistus I)

Jesus said: “My people, you have been patiently awaiting the time of My Warning when everyone will face a mini-judgment of your life up to now. You will see some serious events at your Presidential election. When the evil ones will threaten the lives of My faithful, I will bring My Warning, so I can call you to the safety of My refuges. This is why I have called My refuge builders to stop traveling because soon I will call My believers to My refuges and they need to be ready to receive My people. The tribulation time will be a great trial for everyone, and My people will need to adapt to refuge life that you have been preparing for with your practice runs. Be grateful that My angels and I will be protecting you and multiplying your needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have prepared some fuels for heating your house in the winter, and for some cooking and baking of bread. You have bought some more butane containers for indoor cooking, some propane for your CampChef ovens, and some wood and kerosene for heating your house. You just set up some new racks to hold the wood from your ash tree that died. I will be multiplying your fuel containers once they are empty during the tribulation. You also have a water well and plenty of food grade barrels to hold your water. Every year you have been adding mostly dried food to your food storage. You now have an extra shed to store your needs. By preparing your refuge over time, you can provide for the forty people that I told you I would send to your refuge. When St. Joseph provides a high rise building and a church for 5,000 people, I will provide for feeding these people with ovens for cooking, heaters for the buildings, and plenty of food and water for them to survive. Trust in Me that I will provide for all of your physical and spiritual needs.”

Tuesday, October 15, 2024: (St. Teresa of Avila)

Jesus said: “My son, you have a feast day of St. Teresa of Avila where you traveled to see her monastery. She is a doctor of the Church with her ‘Interior Castle’ that is a contemplative reading of her great love for Me. In the Gospel I told the people that they are nothing without Me. I am your source of strength in My Eucharist, and when you receive My daily Bread in Holy Communion, I am with you in your soul. By keeping close to Me in prayer, I will lead you on the right path to heaven.”

Source: ➥
