Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ of October 2 to 8, 2024


Wednesday, October 2, 2024: (Guardian Angels, St. Mark)

St. Mark said: “I am Mark and I stand before God, even as I am assigned to watch over you. My son, you have two important missions from God to spread His Word and to prepare your refuge. You are seeing signs in the world that you are definitely in the pre-tribulation time. You are still preparing fuels and food for your refuge. You have a new shed to store your tubs and even a kerosene burner to heat your shed in the winter, if needed. The Lord will help you in your health problems, as He has promised that you will be in the Era of Peace. You will be a needed refuge builder when the refuge time will come, and it is not far away. Continue your morning prayer to Me as I guard your way against the demon attacks.”

Jesus said: “My people, this coming Presidential election’s outcome will be dependent on which party can get their people out to vote. Polls do not always reflect who will win the most votes. You could see a possible October surprise that could involve illegal immigrants voting illegally, or some means to shut down your election. I have told you how the one world people could use martial law, an Executive order, an EMP attack, or some means to shut down your electricity. The Democrats want to retain power, and they will try anything to win, even more attempts to assassinate Trump. The American people need to get out and vote if they want to keep their freedoms. Pray for Trump’s safety, and pray that the communists do not take over your country.”

Thursday, October 3, 2024:

Jesus said: “My son, you are one of My laborers who I sent out to spread My Word about the Kingdom of God is at hand. You also stayed at the house of your sponsor, and you ate what they served you, and they put you up for a few days. I love everyone, and I especially am thankful for all you do to share My messages of the end times. You also shared what I directed you to do at your refuge. Now I asked you to stop traveling because you had to finish up your refuge preparations so you are ready to receive My faithful at the refuge time. Be prepared so you can help protect My believers with My help and that of My angels at your refuge.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen pictures on TV of the disastrous flooding in North Carolina. There were many people who were not prepared for the violent flood damage as the heavy rain came down from the mountains. A fair number of people are missing, and the death toll is rising from the remnants of Hurricane Helene. Pray for these people to get food and shelter. It will take a long time to restore power and repair their homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, this strike on the East Coast appears to be put off until January 15, 2025. This would have been a disaster for supply chains leading up to Christmas shopping and problems for your election. This will give people a chance to stock up on supplies before there could be food shortages. Some people were already buying up toilet paper and other needed items in anticipation of the strike starting sooner. I warned people to have three months of food in previous messages, so now you need to prepare for some coming shortages.”

Jesus said: “My people, your election is about a month away for your Presidential election, and your freedoms are at stake. You are concerned that the Democrats will cheat again at the election counting. If your people do not vote Harris out of office, then you could see a communist America. I have been warning you of how important this election will be. The Democrat candidates appear to be weak as Biden, which could mean the downfall of America, if they are elected. Pray for a fair election and that non-citizen votes will be vetted and cancelled.”

Jesus said: “My people, be prepared for some liberal changes in your Church laws and traditions from this current Synod. You do not have to follow bad laws or violations of what I taught My apostles. Have your Catechism of the Catholic Church by St. John Paul II available to see if any Synod rules violate what is taught in My Church. You may even need to come to My refuges for proper Masses and teachings.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that I will bring My Warning and Conversion time before the Antichrist will be allowed to reign less than 3½ years over the world. After the Warning and six weeks of Conversion, I will call My faithful to My refuges with My inner locution. Your guardian angel will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. You will be protected by My angels from any harm during the tribulation at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, beware of the elite’s attempt to take over the governments of the world so they can give them over to the control of the Antichrist. The Masons are part of this elite that will be allowed to take over the world governments. The Antichrist will appear and all the churches will be closed because evil will have control for a time. Trust in My protection at My refuges, where I will not allow the evil ones to harm you. My angels will not allow evil people nor demons to enter My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been calling My refuge builders all over the world to set up My refuges that will be safe havens for My believers. After the Warning and the Conversion time, I will call My believers to come quickly to My refuges, or they could be killed by the Antichrist. My angels and I are more powerful than the Antichrist, the devil, and the False Prophet. So have no fear of the evil ones when you will be protected at My refuges. Only My believers will be allowed by My angels to enter My refuges. This refuge time will come before the Antichrist takes his reign over the earth. I love My believers and I will protect those people who come to My refuges at the proper time.”

Friday, October 4, 2024: (St. Francis of Assisi)

Jesus said: “My people, just as I called out woe to the towns around Me, so I am also calling out Woe to America because of your abortions and sexual sins. Now you are adding the trafficking of all of the children coming into your country through your open borders. It is a disgrace to your country that your Democrat leaders are leaving your borders open to anyone. The evil one world people are making plans to take over your country, as they are making way for the Antichrist’s reign. I have been warning My believers to be ready to come to My refuges when I will give them My inner locution. I have also been telling My refuge builders to finish up their preparations at My refuges so they are ready to receive My believers at the proper time. Keep praying to stop your abortions and to pray for your country’s election that you are not a communist country.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats allowed open borders so they could pay the illegal immigrants off to vote illegally for Harris. This is destroying your country because some illegal immigrants are killing and robbing your American citizens. The Democrats are using taxpayer money to give benefits to the illegal immigrants, but they are not telling you about the bribes. These illegal immigrants should not be voting in the first place because they are not U.S. citizens. Now FEMA does not have the funds to help the U.S. citizens who are needing food and water in North Carolina. The Democrats are more concerned with getting more votes from the illegal immigrants than helping your own citizens who are in need of necessities. Your people need to vote these irresponsible people out of office.”

Saturday, October 5, 2024: (St. Faustina, Jeanne Marie Mass)

Jesus said: “My son, you have also been blessed to see miracles of healing in My Name, and you blessed some people who were possessed by demons. I give you the grace to carry out the missions I have given you. Be thankful for all the blessings I have graced you with. Today, you are honoring St. Faustina as she has given you her vision of Me in My Divine Mercy. You pray her Chaplet of Divine Mercy every day at 3:00 p.m. You also heard Jeanne Marie thank you all for the Mass for her intention. She is already in heaven and she passed the blessings of this Mass on to Al’s family.”

Jesus said: “My people, most of the help is coming from private citizens for North Carolina’s disaster. Very little help is coming from your government. It is hard to imagine what these people are going through without updates and communications. There are some reports that helpers are being turned away for unexplained reasons. It will be difficult to get power back for the rural areas. Keep praying for these people that they can receive needed food, water, and shelter.”

Sunday, October 6, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, I truly have made man and woman just as I have made male and female animals. But I made man and woman in My Image with a soul and body. I have given you free will, but also I have given you My Commandments so you can love Me and your neighbor as yourself. When I join man and woman in marriage, it is meant for life and not to have divorce. What I have joined together should not be separated. You also have been given the opportunity to have children under the bond of marriage, and not with fornication. You are to bring up your children without any abortions which defies My Fifth Commandment of Thou shall not kill. Your families are the core of your society, and you should keep together so the family of a mother and father can help bring up their children. When one parent is missing, this puts an added burden on the children when they are missing a mother or father image to follow. Pray for your couples to get married and stay together.”

Monday, October 7, 2024: (Our Lady of the Rosary)

Jesus said: “My people, the Good Samaritan parable is a sign that My people should have compassion for people who are suffering. You are seeing your citizens suffering from the floods in North Carolina that you could help with your donations. You also are being asked to donate to your Bishop’s appeal to help people in your diocese. When I finished the parable, I told the man to go and do likewise as the Good Samaritan did. This means to help people in need when you can do something to relieve their misery. Donations are a good start, but if you physically can help someone, this is even better. I call on all of My people to be compassionate in helping people.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen many difficulties come up in your life, but you were fortunate to receive help from some inheritances that helped you around your problems. You have also been called on to help others with their money problems. I have called you to do some difficult missions, but you were willing to carry out My directions immediately. Now you have made your finishing touches to get your refuge ready for My people. Have no worries because My angels will protect you, and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. You will have My Perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament that will enable Me to multiply your needs. Trust Me in your daily prayers that I will heal you, and help you and your people through the coming tribulation.”

Tuesday, October 8, 2024:

Jesus said: “My son, you are familiar with the account of St. Paul when he was blinded by My Light, and he fell off of his horse. This was a miraculous conversion in St. Paul’s life when he stopped persecuting My people, and after receiving back his eyesight, he went on to be a great missionary of My Word to the Gentiles. My son, in your life I released you from your computer addiction by a miracle in Medugorje. After being released from your prison of a computer addiction, I called you to work for Me in spreading My Word, and teaching people about the need for My miraculous refuges. You went out faithfully to share My messages all over the world by car and by plane for twenty-eight years. Now you are finishing up your last preparations for your refuge, as you had your recent seventh practice refuge run, and you bought another large shed. I advised you to stop traveling so you were ready to receive My believers at your refuge. Be prepared to help a lot of people when St. Joseph will help build a large high rise and a large church in your backyard.”

Jesus said: “My son, just as your house is protected from the elements of rain and snow, so also I am protecting you physically and spiritually from the evil ones. You know when you reach out to help save souls that the devil will attack you and your family. You have seen some financial problems and health problems that are part of life. I have allowed you to have your bills paid and even enough money to build your refuge. You had enough money to have a solar system, a well, and you have stored food, beds, and things for Mass. My angels will protect you and your people from the evil ones throughout the coming tribulation. You have helped some people with their finances over the years and they are thankful for your help and that of your friends. Having a safe haven for your people will give them peace to love and worship Me. Be thankful for all the gifts that I have given you over the years.”

Source: ➥
