Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ of September 18 to 24, 2024


Wednesday, September 18, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, you have three great virtues of hope, faith, and love, and the greatest of these is love. I have mentioned to you before how heaven is all about love and the peace that love brings to your soul. Even My Commandments are all about love of Me and love of neighbor. It was said in the homily how St. Paul’s passage on love is used at many wedding ceremonies. I have also used the love of man and woman to express how I am the Groom and My Church is the bride. I love all of My people as My creations out of love. I long to have you love Me and to love your neighbor. I have even asked you to love your enemies if you are to be perfected for your judgment. Focus your life around Me in love and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people, who have refuges, are still buying cases of six cans of dried food. Dried foods have been dehydrated so you could store food that does not require a refrigerator. Keep in mind that dried foods require water to reconstitute this food. This is why you need a good water source as a water well, a stream, or a pond. I am reminding My people that they need to have three months of food for every person in your household. You remember during the pandemic how the stores had many empty shelves. So stock up on paper products as part of your necessities such as toilet paper and facial tissues. You saw many cases in your basement that will be multiplied for your people during the refuge time. Trust in Me to warn you when you need to buy more food or paper products.”

Thursday, September 19, 2024: (St. Januarius)

Jesus said: “My people, all of you are tested with sin and some have habitual sin. It is not easy to break habitual sin. It may take prayer and fasting either by the sinner or by someone praying for that person in order to break a sinful habit. Some people are living together without marriage, and they need to get married or part ways from each other. Because of mankind’s weakness to sin, I have died on the cross and I resurrected to atone for all sin. You need to come to Me in the priest at Confession to confess all of your sins so he can give you absolution of your sins. Be thankful that I forgive your sins every time you come to Confession. You need to have your mortal sins confessed before you can receive Me in Holy Communion, or you commit a sin of sacrilege. I love all of you and I want to see your soul white with My grace, and not black with mortal sin or many venial sins.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, prices for houses are high and people are in an auction to buy a house as soon as it comes on the market. With your open borders you have millions of illegal immigrants seeking a place of shelter in competition for your young couples. Even your own granddaughters are having difficulty in buying a house. In order to get a purchase of a house, some buyers are bidding one hundred thousand dollars over the asking price. Pray for your people and your immigrants that they can find a place of shelter.”

Jesus said: “My people, Putin in Russia has just increased his troops by 180,000 fighting men. He is trying to overpower the Ukraine with more troops and missiles. Europe and your country have sent billions of dollars of armaments to the Ukraine, but Russia is still pushing to take over more land and they are sending more missiles from China and Iran. Pray that this war does not spread or become a world war.”

Jesus said: “My people, lowering the borrowing rate will help make houses and cars cheaper to buy, and it will make the economy easier to buy things. It will make the Democrat economy look better, despite the higher prices. Harris and Biden are trying to say their economy is getting better. They still do not speak about the problems that the millions of illegal immigrants are causing, especially the increase in crime. The Democrat candidate for President is very liberal, and she wants a communist government. Pray for Trump to win, if you want to keep your freedoms.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Democrat candidate for President has been in office as Vice President over three years, and she had a hard time trying to explain why she has not implemented her plans already. The Democrats have a horrible record of open borders, and high inflation because of their overspending. They have been lying about their record to get elected. They criticize Trump whom they say would destroy your democracy. This is a desperate lie because Trump had a great economy and he cares for America first, but the Democrats treat America last. Pray for a fair election.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how the Democrats want to give $25,000 to first time home buyers, and more taxpayer paid give-aways that will raise your deficit. The Trump tax reductions will not be renewed so that all of your people would be paying a lot more taxes if the Democrats win the Presidency. So instead of giving out more money, the Democrats will be collecting more taxes on everyone. Pray for a fair election and do not believe the lies of the Democrats.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will bring My Warning before the lives of My faithful will be in danger. In the Warning I will tell people that they will need to come to My refuges to avoid being killed by the Antichrist. My refuges have been directed to have water wells, extra dried food, fuels to heat your house, and fuels for cooking your meals. I will have My angels protect My people at My refuges with shields. They will multiply your water, food, fuels, and your necessities. You will have Perpetual Adoration around the clock for people to be constantly worshiping Me. I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you some messages how I will be expanding My refuges. At large refuges with plenty of land, I will multiply the buildings all over the refuge land. At smaller refuges, I will need to build large buildings just as St. Joseph will build a high rise and a large church. This may take up some of the land of your neighbors. For those refuges, who have not stored food, water, and fuels, My angels will provide what is needed and they will finish up any needed supplies. Trust in Me that all of My refuges will be protected by My angels from any harm.”

Friday, September 20, 2024: (St. Andrew Kim & companions)

Jesus said: “My people, in St. Paul’s letter he is emphasizing how My death and Resurrection is the cornerstone of your faith in Me. Even the apostles did not believe in My Resurrection from the dead until I appeared to them in the flesh in the Upper Room. You remember in the Scriptures how the Pharisees paid large sums of money to the soldiers to say that My apostles carried away My Body. My apostles preached My Resurrection because you have faith that on the last day you will have a glorified body join your soul body. When you die, your body is separated from your soul and your soul goes to where you are judged by your life’s actions. This means your soul will go to heaven, purgatory, or hell. Your soul may suffer in purgatory for the reparation due for your sins. My faithful can look forward to your reward in heaven because I have paid the ransom for your souls by My death and Resurrection. Give praise and thanks to Me for all I do for you in life and in death.”

Jesus said: “My people, this coming election could get heated around election day. I am showing you some riots that could possibly call for martial law around the election day. This could be just one of many ways your election could get shut down to prevent Trump from winning. Such a martial law could also threaten the lives of My faithful. So I would have to bring My Warning and a freeze of the evil ones so I could call My believers to My refuges. Are you ready to come to My refuges soon? This is why I do not want My refuge builders to travel because you may have to be ready to receive My believers at My refuges. This will also cause some trauma to those faithful who are late leaving their homes. I told you that you would need counselors to calm down people who had their lives in danger of being killed. Trust in My angels to protect My faithful when they get to My refuges.”

Saturday, September 21, 2024: (St. Matthew)

Jesus said: “My people, I called Levi to follow Me and he was a tax collector at his post. He was later called Matthew, and he wrote the first Gospel in the Bible. That night I ate with Matthew and his fellow tax collectors and sinners. The Pharisees questioned Me why I ate with tax collectors and sinners, but I told them that sick people need a physician. I also told them that I came to call sinners and not the self-righteous. I call all of My faithful to ‘Follow Me’ and obey My Commandments. I forgive sinners of their sins in Confession, so keep your souls clean by confessing your sins at least once a month so you are always ready for your death.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you seven sacraments as a source of grace. Several of them use chrism oil. Many of you are baptized as infants. You can receive Confession and Holy Communion at around seven years old. You usually receive your Confirmation when you are in eighth grade at about thirteen years old. You and your wife received Matrimony fifty-nine years ago when you were twenty-two years old. Now just recently you had Father Michel give you and your wife the Sacrament of the Sick. All of My sacraments have helped you through life, especially daily Holy Communion and monthly Confession. You are fortunate to be able to attend daily Mass and daily Adoration. During the Covid time My churches were closed and you had to get the daily TV Mass on the internet. Be prepared because you may see My churches closed again.”

Sunday, September 22, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles that I would be killed by the religious leaders, but I would rise from the dead in three days. My disciples did not understand what I said, so they did not question Me. The disciples were discussing who is the greatest among them. I told them whoever wants to be first, must be the servant of all. I took a young child before them and I told them, whoever abuses such a little one, will be liable to a harsh judgment. I also told My apostles that unless you are humble and innocent as a young child, you cannot enter into heaven.”

Monday, September 23, 2024: (St. Padre Pio, Ken Whitney intention)

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you a message before how you could see several of your main cities destroyed by an atomic bomb. (3-16-24) You have many enemies and one of them will strike your country with such weapons. Over New York City you saw a bright light, and then a destructive mushroom cloud came over the city and destroyed a good part of this city. Before such a war would endanger your lives, I will bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion. Everyone will be given an opportunity to change their lives and be prepared to come to My refuges when I give My faithful My inner locution to come. Once you are at My refuges, My angels will put a shield over My refuges to protect them from bombs, EMP, viruses, and wars. Such attacks could frighten many believers at your refuge. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your people’s needs.”

Ken Whitney, Sr.’s intention at Mass. Ken said: “Thank you for having this Mass offered for My soul.”

Jesus said: “My son, your time to finish up your refuge projects is almost up. So you need to check what you need most and get stocked up on some more paper products and canned foods. Make a list of what you need and finish up your shopping. I will be multiplying your needs, but you will have a lot more people to feed. Trust in Me to help you with what is needed by My angels.”

Tuesday, September 24, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a hill of stone with various levels. This is an example because I want to mention how there are seven levels in heaven. By striving to be close to Me every day in your actions and good deeds, I will see to your reward in heaven. You also have several levels of purgatory, so you need to pray for the poor souls there so they can be moved up, and eventually they can come up to heaven. There are levels in hell as well that correspond to how evil these souls were in life. They all have chosen not to believe in Me nor serve Me. You can pray for poor sinners to help them repent of their sins so they are not lost in hell. I give everyone an opportunity to love Me and serve Me. Those people, who follow Me, will be saved, but those people, who refuse to love Me and refuse to repent of their sins, will be lost in hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, in some late term abortions, the baby sometimes is given birth, but then they let the baby die as in infanticide. When babies are aborted or left to die, this is a mortal sin to take a life. When couples have relations, they are accepting the consequences of their action that could result in a pregnancy. I have given life to a soul at conception and it is precious to Me, and do not listen to Satan or others that abortion is acceptable. What gift of life I have given to a mother is a responsibility to bring that pregnancy to term and raise the child. I have given a plan for each child’s life, and you should not abort any child, but let that child carry out the plan I had for My little one. Do not go against My plan for life, or you will have to pay for your sin. I love all of My little ones, and they all should be allowed to live life just as you have it.”

On Steve C.: Jesus said: “My people, this man, who killed Steve, will not go unpunished either in this life or the next.”

Source: ➥
