Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ of September 11 to 17, 2024


Wednesday, September 11, 2024: (Amerigo Proia Mass intention)

Amerigo said: “I want to give a few words to comfort my wife, Linda. I love her so much and I will be watching over her and praying for her in spirit. I will be in purgatory a short time, so have a few Masses offered for me to be released. Pray for my soul.”

9-11-01 Anniversary: There was a chemtrail in the sky that was white but there was a dark shadow beside it representing good and evil in the shape of an ‘11′. Jesus said: “My people of America, you are still mourning the loss of 2,996 people who were killed in the Twin Towers in New York City on 9-11-01. This was an evil event that saw both towers taken down with explosives by evil people. These are the same people who are trying to take down your country. Pray for your country because you will be seeing more evil events that will threaten your lives.”

Jesus said: “My son, in a previous message I told you how the devil is attacking your family, as some of your people are not attending Sunday Mass. You are praying your rosary and your 24 Glory Be prayers of St. Therese. In Jocelyn’s case you are seeing some light to help her through the darkness of evil that was controlling her. Keep praying your prayers for her intention, and make sure she is taking some grains of exorcism salt every day. I love all of you, but you must use My weapons and fight the devil in this spiritual battle.”

N.B. Jocelyn is starting to eat some food in curing her subconscious food disorder.

Thursday, September 12, 2024: (The Most Holy Name of Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, I call you to be perfect like My heavenly Father is perfect. This is why I am calling My faithful to love everyone, even your enemies. I told you before that I allow the good and the bad people to grow up together with the hope that the good people can convert some of the bad people to accept Me in faith. I love all of you both the good and the bad because I created all of you to experience My love. You have My gift of love, and My faithful need to share your gift of love even with the non-believers. When you reach out to love everyone, you are perfecting yourself in imitating My love for mankind. Pray for the conversion of poor sinners and the poor souls in purgatory. Once you come to heaven, you will see everything revolves around love of Me, and love of neighbor.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you can see how the media and the Democrats only accepted a debate on their own liberal channel. They did not accept the offer from Fox to have a debate. This allowed the people asking questions to control what was asked. They also commented on Trump’s answers, but not on the answers from Harris. The issues affecting your country the most were not treated much. Pray for a fair election.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing all the millions of dollars being spent by the Democrats. They are spending money on cheating with illegal ballots of non-citizens and making out mail-in ballots to send to them. Do not be surprised if you see the same millions of dollars being spent by rich Democrats to control the election as in 2020. They will spend some money on ads, but most of their spending will be on getting out the vote and cheating as they did before. The one world people will do whatever it takes to retain power just like they do in communist countries.”

Jesus said: “My people, the media are hiding the real agenda of the communists in the Democrat candidates. They support more taxes and they will have total control of your country that will destroy your true democracy. They are speaking lies to cover up their real intentions just like the devil lies to you to commit sin. The Antichrist is short on time, and he does not want to wait for four years of Trump. Soon the evil ones will allow the Antichrist to begin the tribulation. When your lives will be in danger, I will bring My Warning and I will call My faithful to My refuges with My inner locution.”

Jesus said: “My people, I think you realized that the Perpetual Adoration around the clock gives you My gift of graces for seeing how I will multiply your needs so you can live through the coming tribulation. You saw how you had well water and light at night with the new Lithium solar batteries and the new lamps. You slept on cots and you used dried eggs, your homemade bread, and pancakes for breakfast. You had a beautiful soup and more bread for dinner. You also baked a tuna casserole in your CampChef oven. Your people were pleased with this refuge run.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have a lot of cut up wood that could be used for heating your house and cooking your food in a fire pit. It is good that you are organizing the wood on racks off the ground and covered with a tarp from the weather. This will preserve your wood for when it will be needed during the tribulation. I will multiply your wood, your kerosene, your propane, and your butane fuels so you will be able to heat your food and heat your refuge.”

Jesus said: “My son, your new shed will allow you to store things so your house is not too crowded with your tubs and tables. This is a dual purpose shed where some faithful could sleep. You can provide lights and heat in the winter with your kerosene heaters. This shed gives you more options to house the people who will come to your refuge. St. Joseph will supply more buildings, a church, food, and latrines for a large number of people. My son, you will help in organizing the groups of people who will provide for the needs of My believers.”

Jesus said: “My people, have no fear of the Antichrist and the evil ones who will not harm any of My believers at My refuges. Those faithful, who do not come to My refuges, will be martyred by the evil ones during the tribulation. There will be many refuges all over the world that will protect My believers. At the end of the tribulation, I will bring My victory over the evil ones and they will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace where you will live a long time before I bring you into heaven.”

Friday, September 13, 2024: (St. John Chrysostom)

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you the beautiful building that St. Joseph and My angels will build in one day outside of time. When heaven makes something, you know it will be beautiful, perfect, and gleaming with its own light, even at night. This hotel will be better than any building you have ever seen. It will house the 5,000 faithful people who will come slowly to your refuge. This will be built in your backyard and expanded during the tribulation. My angels will protect you from the evil ones. Do not worry about food, heating, lights, or latrines because My angels will provide for the needs of the people. St. Joseph will also build a large church for Mass. You will have several priests for your refuge. You need My refuges for protection and for food. I will multiply all that you will need. You will have Perpetual Adoration as well.”

Jesus said; “My people, you are seeing how Harris talked in the debate and a recent interview, and her remarks had very little if any real substance. Yet the media praises her lies and puts down the real truth spoken by Trump. The media tries to hide all of Biden and Harris’ failures. They are destroying your country with open borders, and they want the illegal immigrants to vote for the Democrats. The people in your country know how bad the crime and prices are both high. It is hard for young couples to find a place to rent, let along try to buy a house with high bidding prices. If America chooses a communist to lead them, then expect to live in a communist country with no freedoms.”

Saturday, September 14, 2024: (The Exultation of the Holy Cross)

Jesus said: “My people, I came down to earth with the purpose of offering salvation to every soul. You read a famous passage from St. John 3:16: ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that those who believe in Him may not perish, but may have eternal life.’ My crucifixion on the cross was foreshadowed when Moses lifted up the bronze serpent on a pole. I had to suffer so My sacrifice could make up for all of the sins of mankind. In order for My people to be saved, you must accept Me as your Savior and repent of your sins. Those people, who believe in Me and share My words, will be saved with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the 2020 election there was much cheating with absentee ballots that were not verified if the person was a citizen or not. Now even more illegal immigrants will be voting illegally. If you do not verify each person voting, then you will be allowing the Democrats to win the Presidential election in 2024. The Democrats do not want you to uncover their cheating so they will try to jail people who accuse them of cheating. If your people allow another cheating election in 2024, then you will have a communist government that will put conservatives and Christians in jail for their beliefs. This will only hasten the time for a takeover by the Antichrist. When your lives are threatened, I will bring My Warning and call you to My refuges.”

Sunday, September 15, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel (Mk 8:27-37) is when I asked My disciples ‘Who do you say that I am?’ Then St. Peter said I am the Christ. I told the apostles that I must suffer on the cross and be crucified, and I will rise on the third day. St. Peter did not want to see Me get killed, but I rebuked him: ‘Get behind Me satan for you are thinking like man and not like God.’ Then I told them that My followers need to take up their cross and deny themselves. ‘For what does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, but suffers the loss of his own soul?’ So it is important to acknowledge Me before men so you can show your belief in Me. Make Me the center of your lives, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Monday, September 16, 2024: (St. Cornelius and St. Cyprian)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel the centurion wanted Me to heal his servant, but he told Me I could heal him from a distance without coming into his house. He told Me how he had soldiers under him to do his bidding, so I could do this. I was amazed at his faith in My healing power. I did heal his servant from a distance. This phrase about not coming under his roof, is in the part of the Mass that you hear before you receive Holy Communion. You all are not worthy as sinners, but I give you the grace of My Real Presence if you do not have mortal sin on your soul. I love all of My people, and I call all of you to have the same faith that I can heal people as this centurion had.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing some demon attacks on your family, especially those members who are not going to Sunday Mass. Your prayers from the family are seeing some fruits as Jocelyn is eating again, and she has gained back some weight. Some of you have some health problems, and those who do have problems, can take some holy water or exorcism salt for faith in your healing. Some health problems can be associated with demonic attacks. Keep up your prayers for the family and encourage them to come to Sunday Mass and Confession.”

Tuesday, September 17, 2024: (St. Hildegard)

Jesus said: “My people, life is precious, yet some people discard babies in abortion without valuing My gift of life. I took pity on a widow when her son died, because she would otherwise have a hard life. In that time it was hard for a woman to provide food and shelter for herself. I healed many people with My miracles. But raising people, like this young man, from the dead, was seen by many people. My apostles and some prophets also had the gift of raising a few people from the dead. On the last day I will resurrect all of My faithful, and your soul will be joined by a glorified body. You will then share eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, Trump was fortunate that a Secret Service agent saw the barrel of a rifle in the bushes. This man was hiding there a long time. When shots were directed at this man, he left in his car. A witness took a picture of his car license and the police were able to catch this assassin. This is the second attempt on Trump’s life. The one world people want Trump dead, and it is not known how these assassins were able to get a weapon this close to Trump. Trump has a deep love for your country to risk running for President. Continue to pray for Trump’s safety, and pray for a fair election without cheating votes.”

Source: ➥
