Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Tuesday, July 12, 2022:
Jesus said: “My people, you read in the Gospel how I said Woe to the cities of Corizon, Bethsaida, and Capernam because I performed many miracles of healing in their midst. Even with My healing miracles, they still refused to believe in Me, and they refused to repent. As a result, these cities received their judgment. Now I say Woe to America for all of your abortions and killing of the elderly. As soon as your Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, the pro-death people pushed for more laws so they could kill their babies. This is not repentance for killing My little ones. The pro-death people were outraged that now the Red states could stop abortion. Biden is again showing his evil actions by offering taxpayer money for women to travel to abortion states to have their abortions. He is like the evil kings of old that I brought My punishment down on them. He also will face My judgment, as all of those people who promote abortion will face as well. Listen to My Commandments, especially the Fifth Commandment that thou shall not kill anyone. Do not kill the defenseless little babies in the womb. Keep praying to stop abortion in all of your states.”
Jesus said: “My people, I told you that the only way for the Democrats to win, is to use their old tricks of cheating with the absentee ballots. According to your Constitution it is up to your State Legislatures to determine the rules for your elections. You are familiar with the Democrats disdain for following your Constitution. The Democrats new tactic is to have the government or Democrat people run your elections so they can use all of their tricks to cheat. The polls of what the people want does not win elections. It is how many phony ballots they can fix that is what is counted. Your people need to rise up in defense of your Constitution, or no Republican will even win an election. You cannot trust the lying Democrats and the lying Biden to hold a fair election. They cheated in 2020 to win and no court challenged the cheating. You will see another court battle that may go to the Supreme Court to uphold your Constitution for state legislatures to control elections. These lying, cheating Democrat leaders want to take over an unconstitutional control of your elections. If justice is not done, and your leaders keep their illegal elections, you will have a civil war. Pray for a fair election. If not, you may have to come to My refuges for protection.”
N.B. Biden’s Executive Order 14019 is trying to usurp our Constitutional control of elections that should be controlled by the states.
Source: ➥