Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Thursday, July 18, 2019

Thursday, July 18, 2019


Thursday, July 18, 2019:

Jesus said: “My people of America, in the vision I am showing you the Tower of Babel and how the pride of man blinded their eyes in not obeying Me. Because of their pride, I caused them to be confused with many languages. Today, you are seeing a similar pride in your technology, and in building your Freedom Tower. The devil has also blinded your people with greed, changing gender, and a lack of My Presence in your lives. You have been witnessing several power outages from unexplained sources. When your electricity goes out, many of you suffer in darkness without air conditioning in your current heat wave. Your people should get ready to endure more disasters from earthquakes, storms, and more power outages as a punishment for not repenting from your abortions and sexual sins. Pray that you do not have any wars, especially in the Middle East with Iran. Your people need to come to Me in church to repent of your sins. Those people, who make Me the center of their lives, will have My reward in heaven, and I will see to their protection during the coming tribulation at My refuges.”

(Funeral Mass Robert Brennan) Jesus said: “My people, you heard about Robert Brennan from his son’s words about his father. Robert was a gracious and generous man in helping his family and others. He was a model father for people to imitate. You knew his wife when she came to your prayer group in the beginning of your ministry. Robert is with Me now, for he is worthy of his heavenly reward. He will be praying for his family and watching over them. His family can call on him for prayers and help.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, your weather forecasters are predicting 100 F days for the weekend. This could be a heat stroke threat for those people without any cooling. If many people use their air conditioners all at once, you could have brown outs or power outages. This is another test from your natural disasters. Be prepared for more of these heat waves, as you could see occasional record highs this summer. Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Congress finally authorized $4.5 billion for humanitarian aid for your border facilities that are overwhelmed by too many illegal immigrants who are seeking asylum. Your Congress has failed to act to correct your asylum laws. This is why you are holding people until their trials. Some flee into your country in violation of their judgments. Those people in Congress, who are complaining about the overcrowding, should look at their neglect to have better immigration laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just seen Iran take control of an oil tanker with engine problems. You also saw your Navy shoot down an Iranian drone, similar to when Iran shot down your drone. As more incidents keep occurring, you could be getting close to some kind of conflict with Iran. Keep praying that there is no war in this area.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the last week three cities experienced unexplained partial power outages. They were New York City, Washington, D.C., and Fullerton, Orange County, California. These events were not connected to the coming heat wave, and they could possibly be related to cyber attacks from other countries. Your National electric grid, water, and communication lines are vulnerable to virus attacks by hackers. Pray that your people can protect you from such attacks. Now, tonight you had your own partial blackout at your house.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have the one world people and the Justice Democrats giving media time to your socialist communist activists that are proposing tactics opposed to your Constitution. It is a constant drumbeat of anti- democratic policies that you keep hearing on your media and in your colleges. There is a plan for the one world people to cause riots in the streets for these activists to get their way of a communist takeover. As your opposition party moves further left to adopt such communist goals, you could see a coming civil war. Pray that your voters see the errors in these atheistic plans and keep your current democratic republic. Pray for calm and not constant hate.”

Jesus said: “My people, with all of your summer heat, there is more of a need for fresh water. Some rivers and reservoirs could be drying up, and this could make your drinkable water in short supply. Keep some water on hand in case your wells or water sources have little water. This is why I am asking My refuge builders to have water wells on their land. You cannot live without sufficient amounts of drinkable water.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning My people to stock up on some extra food throughout the year. If your farmers continue to predict some food shortages from your harvests, you could see stores with empty shelves. If food is in short supply, this could cause some panic among your people in a partial famine. It is better to have a full pantry than very little in a food shortage. In the future you also may need a chip in the body to buy any food. When your lives, or your food supply is threatened, I will lead you to My refuges where I will multiply your food.”

Source: ➥