Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Saturday, January 26, 2019

Saturday, January 26, 2019: (St. Titus and St. Timothy)
Jesus said: “My son, you have two missions to carry out; one to spread My Word in My messages to evangelize souls, and the other is to prepare a safe haven for My faithful to come. You have been traveling to give your talks on the end times for over twenty years. You can identify with today’s Gospel when you stay at people’s houses, and they provide your food and travel expenses. You also put My messages out on your website every two weeks. You sell your books and give away rosaries and scapulars. Your second mission is to set up a refuge at your home, as you prepared beds for forty people, food to be multiplied, a well for water, heaters and fuels for heating and cooking, as well as solar panels for electricity. You are preparing for your third practice run to use your stored food and well water. Everyone at My refuges will have a job, and you all will do one hour of Adoration through the night. I asked for this practice run because events are getting close to the tribulation time. Having a safe place to stay during the tribulation, is the whole reason for setting up My refuges. Trust in Me to multiply your food and water, as well as directing My angels to protect you from the evil ones during the tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, when I went to My hometown of Nazareth, I read the quotation from Isaiah. Then I told the people that today this Scripture is fulfilled in their hearing. The people were proud to see Me, because they heard of My healing of people in other towns. But when they asked Me to heal them, I told them they did not have faith in My healing power, so I did not heal any of them there. For this the people wanted to throw Me off a cliff to kill Me, but I walked through their midst. It is difficult for a prophet to be accepted in his hometown, because of the lack of faith. Pray for conversions to the faith, so all the people could believe in My Good News.”
Source: ➥