Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Apparition and Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace and Saint Mark the Hermit on September 22, 2024

Only These Rosaries, Only These Prayers Made by My Son Marcos Can Stop My Enemy and What He Is Planning in a Few Months’ Time






(Marcos): “Yes, if the Blessed Mother allows Me to ask, I ask for an abundant blessing for Your children Victor, Carolina and Jordan from Mexico, who donated this piece of land next to the Shrine to the Blessed Mother. The donation process was completed this week and the deed was passed on to the Blessed Mother's name, to your Shrine, as the Blessed Mother herself could see on the deed.

I ask for an abundant blessing for them because they could have used their goods, their money for their own benefit, but they renounced themselves and everything they could have with this money to buy next door for the Blessed Mother.

And thanks to them, the Blessed Mother now truly has the largest shrine in the world. I ask the Blessed Mother for an abundant and copious blessing for them there where they are now.

May the Blessed Mother also ask the Eternal Father for an abundant blessing for them. To this end, I offer the Blessed Mother the merits of the film Lourdes No. 9 and also the merit of the meditated Rosary No. 300, so that the Blessed Mother may transform them into graces and pour them out. As I do every day for them, I offer the merits of My good works for them again, for their intention.”

(Most Holy Mary): “My children, today I come with My husband Joseph and also with My son Mark the Hermit, to tell you: Penance and Prayer! Only these two things can save the world.

What I said in Lichen I repeat now: Conversion, Penance! Pray the Rosary!

Let mothers pray the Rosary, because their prayers break the plans of My son's enemies and the enemies of My Heart. Their prayers break the plans of the evil ones.

If mothers pray the Rosary, they will have holy children who will do enormous good in the world, they will be good angels who will fill the world with God's grace and good works.

May mothers pray the Rosary with their children and raise them for heaven, not for the world, otherwise they will have to give an account to God for their children's perdition.

May they pray the Rosary every day, because only it can stop what will come in a few months' time.

Penance and prayer!

May each of My children bring My messages to the attention of the whole world. How much I am consoled by these films that My son Marcos has made, especially the one about Porzus. Every time he broadcasts it, he draws a sword of painful pain from My heart for the contempt and forgetfulness of souls towards My message of Porzus.

My message of Porzus needs to be better known and loved, and for that to happen it needs to be more widely disseminated. So watch the movie Voices from Heaven No. 1 twice more and give it to three of My children who don't have it.

In this way you will attack My enemy and shake up the souls that are frozen in apostasy and spiritual death, in his clutches, and in this way you will awaken these children of Mine to conversion and eternal life.

Also attack My enemy by giving three of My children the Rosary of Peace meditated on No. 6 and pray it twice. Attack My enemy also by giving My children the Hour of the Saints no. 14, praying it twice, and also attack My enemy by praying the meditated Rosary no. 72 three times.

Only these Rosaries, only these prayers made by My son Marcos can stop My enemy and what he is planning in a few months' time.

Yes, My son Marcos has given you formidable weapons; with them, with these Rosaries, these Hours of Prayer, these meditated Rosaries, you can save your souls and the souls of whoever you want.

So spread all this, spread these films that My son Marcos has made, so that My plan of love can truly take place for the salvation of souls and for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart.

With these spiritual weapons, it is impossible for a soul to be condemned, and if it does condemn itself, it will only be because of its own responsibility.

Pray the Rosary every day and have My children pray the Rosary of the Tears of Blood meditated on No. 1 for a month straight for the peace of the world.

Give this Rosary of Tears to ten of My children who don't have one.

I bless them all with love now: from Lourdes, from Porzus and from Jacareí.”

(St. Mark the Hermit): “My beloved brothers, I, Marcos the Hermit, rejoice to come to you again.

Yes, I rejoice because I love you very much, great is My love for you, so I intercede and pray for you without ceasing at the Thrones of the Sacred Hearts in Heaven.

Everyone who turns to Me will receive great graces. I live here in this Shrine day and night with great love, but especially I like to be at the Fount of the Sacred Heart to receive everyone's prayers and send them to the Throne of the Sacred Hearts to obtain all the graces they ask for.

Yes, anyone who continues to ask for graces through the merits of the films, meditated Rosaries and Hours of Prayer of our beloved Marcos, will achieve them, because these works have immense merits before the Most Holy Trinity and everything that is asked for through them will be achieved.

The proud will despise this and lose the graces, but the humble will do this and obtain copious graces.

Yes, this sea of graces has been generously opened for you by our beloved Marcos, a true Flame of Love and charity for the miserable who have no merits, who have nothing.

Yes, because Heaven wants to grant graces like this, for the same reason why the Son of God wanted to become incarnate by asking the Virgin Mary's yes. So that all of humanity would be obliged to love and thank Her for their salvation.

Heaven does the same here, whether through the miraculous fountain, the Sacred Heart, St. Joseph or any other grace received here. Heaven gives everything through the yes, through the hands and through the works of love of our beloved Marcos, so that all of humanity is obliged to love not only the Blessed Mother, but also him for all the graces they receive here. Without his yes, no one would have received any of these graces.

Therefore, anyone who is humble and asks for graces through the merits of good works, films, Rosaries, Hours of Prayer, and also through the pains and sufferings of our beloved Marcos, will receive these great graces that the Sacred Hearts want to grant.

I have lived My whole life in the desert in silence, meditating and praying and far away from other people. For this reason, I achieved a great degree of holiness and union with God.

I suffered hunger, cold, heat and the hardships of the weather and nature for love of God. If you ask for graces through My merits too, you will receive many copious graces.

Also seek a life similar to Mine: one of prayer, sacrifice and penance and you, like Me, will become great saints in no time.

Whoever does not renounce their own will and all their attachments cannot be a saint, they are not worthy of the Lord's love.

Whoever loves their father and mother more than Jesus is not worthy of Jesus.

Whoever loves his brothers and sisters more than Jesus is not worthy of Jesus.

Whoever loves his wife more than Jesus is not worthy of Jesus.

Whoever loves himself and his own will more than Jesus is not worthy of Jesus.

So put the Lord first and the Lord will also put you first.

Believe in him and he will believe in you. Give him everything and he will give you everything.

Give all your love and your will to Jesus, and then you will truly love God, because that means loving God above all things: giving your will to him.

I am close to you and protect you night and day, I love you eternally.

I bless you all with great love, especially Victor, Carolina and Jordan for the gift of love they made to the Blessed Mother of the land next to the Shrine, where she will do wonders in the years to come.

I also bless My beloved Portuguese brothers, I am the protector of your pilgrimage group, I accompany you and protect you on all your journeys, call on Me and I will always go with you protecting you and freeing you from all evil.

Thank you for coming, the Blessed Mother has had her heart freed from 427,000 thorns with your presence here. Yes, your presence is love, your prayers are love, incense of love that rises to Heaven, which has removed all those thorns from her heart that the world has stuck.

Thank you!

I bless you generously and all with love now.”

(Most Holy Mary): “My dear Portuguese children, I bless you again and pour out upon you the copious graces of My Maternal Heart so that you may be happy. Thank you a thousand times for coming, loving and consoling Me.

Your names are written on My Immaculate Heart and on the Sacred Heart of My son Jesus.

Every day at 7 o'clock at night I will ask for an abundant blessing for you at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity and I will pour it out on you who are here for your entire lives.

I bless you all again so that you may be happy, especially you, the most obedient, hard-working and dedicated of My children, who throughout so many years of your life have dedicated yourself to making My Apparitions better known and loved, especially that of Porzus.

Yes, I remember you, My son, making this movie in the middle of winter, after having spent the whole night cold here in the upper chapel, even though you were sick and had a fever, you were going to make this movie to make My messages from Porzus known and loved.

To you who have shown so much love for Me, I now bless you with great love.

You can ask today for an abundant blessing for two people you want through the merits of this Porzus movie and I will grant it. And upon you I now pour out 1340 (one thousand three hundred and forty) blessings from My Heart.

Peace My beloved son, peace to all.”

"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"

The Face of Love of Our Lady

Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.

Information: +55 12 99701-2427

Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP

Video of the Apparition

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Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...

The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí

The Miracle of the Sun and of the Candle

Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei

Holy Hours given by Our Lady in Jacarei

The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

The Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes

Seven Rosaries made by Marcos




