Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Apparition and Message of God the Eternal Father and Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on September 15, 2024 - Feast of the 178th Anniversary of the Apparitions of La Salette

The Only Thing I Desire Is the Yes, Is the Heart and the Effort to Love Me, to Please Me, to Do My Will







(God the Father): “My elect, My chosen, My children! I, your Father, come again today from Heaven to tell you: With eternal love I have loved each one of you, each one of you.

With eternal love, I have loved each one, bringing each one out of nothing, giving each one existence and preserving each one's life to this day, despite the offenses and sins committed against Me solely out of love.

With eternal love I have loved each of you, forgiving you so many times for My love betrayed by you, and I have only done this out of love, because I want the salvation of each of you and I don't want the condemnation of anyone.

With eternal love I have loved each one of you, and for this reason, even though you are far from Me, I have drawn you here to give you My love through Mary, My princess, My daughter, the mother of My son, the mystical spouse of My spirit.

Yes, I have drawn everyone here to pour into their lives an ocean of My paternal mercy. The only thing I desire is the yes, is the heart and the effort to love Me, to please Me, to do My will. This is perfect and complete holiness, the pinnacle of love for Me and it is only love that I want and desire.

With eternal love I have loved each and every one of you, and for this reason, day after day I never cease to send My Immaculate daughter here to show you My love, to invite you to Heaven, to call you to a true life in life in Me and with Me in love and for love.

So, My children, My chosen ones, how could I love you more than I have? I have loved each one with immense love, sending My son into the world to save each one and to die in each one's place in order to achieve eternal life for each one of you.

After that, how can you doubt My immense love, so abandon yourselves and give yourselves completely into My hands. Live a life of love in Me and I will live it in each one of you, I only want yes and total trust.

Live a life of prayer without which no one can be intimate with Me or know My will and please Me. Dedicate time to personal prayer, to meditation, at least three hours a day, so that you can truly know Me, because without knowing Me no one can love Me.

I also want you to get to know My son Jesus better, because whoever knows Him knows Me. Read the life of My son Jesus and also of My princess Mary, as well as the Mystical City of God in Maria Valtorta, especially Book No. 4, where the love and sweetness of the Heart of Jesus is revealed to every creature, and in His love My love is also revealed.

Pray My Hour continually every Sunday, those who make My Hour every Sunday adore Me in Spirit and Truth, unite their hearts to Me and whoever unites himself to Me, I will unite Myself to him forever and I will not leave him and I will communicate to him the riches of My paternal love.

Yes, the Hour dedicated to Me, composed by My son Marcos, is the most beautiful adoration you can direct towards Me, it is the most perfect adoration. So do it with love and I will descend at that moment to pour out on you the copious graces of My paternal love.

Yes, truly I tell you: anyone who asks Me for graces through the merits of the Rosary meditated on, the Holy Hours of Prayer, the Rosaries meditated on, the films, the works, and also the sufferings of My little son Marcos will continue to receive great graces.

These graces that he has reported to you today are only the beginning of the sea of graces that I will pour out on all those who come to Me truly bringing the gold coins of his merits, which are so many, so many before Me.

Yes, My son Marcos, it wasn't just Mary, but also Me, I too saw you here almost 30 years ago carrying these very heavy stones to build this chapel, this house for Mary, for My son Jesus and for Me.

Yes, I saw you in the burning sun carrying those stones with so much effort, love, goodwill, dedication and care to do the best for Mary, the best for Me.

Yes, every drop of your sweat that fell on that heavy work, every stone washed, every stone carried, before Me had more merit than if you had fasted a whole year on bread and water.

You did all that with perfect love, with true love, with a true spirit of sacrifice and seeking only to please Me and to please Mary. To build this chapel so that the Rosary could be prayed here in perpetuity for the salvation of souls throughout the world.

So there was no greater or better act of love for Me than that. Yes, and for so many years, almost four years, you did it. And you suffered even more, spending so many freezing nights here in prayer for love of Me, for love of Mary, for love of souls.

Yes, you were an incessant Flame of Love, who practically night and day only thought of Me, only thought of Mary, only dedicated yourself to Me and to Mary, worked for Me and for Mary, suffered for Me and for Mary. That's why, My son, you are worth so much to Me and no one or nothing will ever take away your merit and value before Me.

Therefore, let all those who have faith in our Apparitions here to our son Marcos rejoice and be glad, because whoever asks Me for graces for all that he has done and suffered for Me and for Mary will receive them in abundance.

May everyone be converted, because I do not wish anyone to be lost, I am a Father and I do everything for the salvation of My children. I take care of them, I chase them with My graces and I even often allow them to suffer to see if they wake up and turn their hearts towards Me.

At other times, I get angry with them through the punishments of nature to see if they repent and return to My arms, all of which I do with love and for love so that My children understand that I created them to love Me and only when they love Me will they find happiness, peace of heart and the meaning of life.

So, My children, return to Me and I promise you: peace, happiness and joy will return to you and to humanity.

The time I have prescribed for the door of mercy to remain open is running out. Enter as soon as possible, because soon it will close and then no one else will be able to enter.

I love you and I will never leave you, I am continually looking at you and I always cover you with My Fatherly hands to protect you and deliver you from all evil.

I bless everyone who has left everything to be here with Me today.

I bless My children who have come from Portugal, who have come from Mexico, who have come from all over Brazil and the world to be in My presence.

I bless My beloved children who help My son Marcos to make the images of Mary, My son and the saints, and who help to spread the meditated Rosaries, the films and the Hours of Prayer that have so many merits before Me.

I bless everyone who has truly prayed from the heart and who does everything they can to make Mary better known and loved so that Jesus and I may be better known and loved in Her and through Her.

And I also bless you, My son Marcos, yes, the glory you have given to Me and to Mary with the film La Salette No. 4 is immense and your merits are great.

I accept your offer made through Mary to Me this morning of the merits of this film and of the meditated Rosary no. 78. Yes, I now convert everything into graces and pour them out on your father Carlos Tadeu, as you asked Me to, also on one person in particular and also on My children who are here.

I am now pouring out 5,780,000 (five million, seven hundred and eighty thousand) graces on your father. On those who are here I am now pouring out 4,200,000 (four million two hundred thousand) and I am also now freeing 60,000 (sixty thousand) souls from Purgatory at your request. All thanks to the merits of this film and the Rosary you gave Me.

I would like everyone to pray the meditated Rosary no. 70 three times for the peace of the world and the conversion of sinners, and to give it to three of My children who don't have one, so that they can be touched by grace and saved.

These Rosaries alone, these Rosaries of My son Marcos, who has so many merits, alone can save the world from the Third World War. Only they can convert and save sinners who are already at such a level of obstinacy in sin that only a great meritorious power can achieve for them the grace that they no longer have the merits to achieve and would never have.

So pray this Rosary for them and for peace, and give it to them so that they may convert and be saved.

I bless you all with love now and I pour out My peace on you all.”

(Most Holy Mary): “My children, I am the reconciler of sinners with God. I am the Lady of La Salette, I am the tearful Lady of the beautiful mountain, I am the Lady of Maximino and Melania.

I appeared on the high mountain of La Salette weeping to call all My children to conversion. Unfortunately, My appeals and My tears have been disregarded by the majority of men over the years and centuries, and sadly, many have gone to Hell and lost themselves eternally.

So now, My children, I speak to you more with My tears and with the tears that also come down from the paintings of My son Marcos to touch your hearts. I speak to you with the Tears of Heaven.

Tears from Heaven, which descend from My images and also from the paintings of My son Marcos to touch hearts as hard as stone and call them to conversion.

Tears from Heaven, which fall from My eyes and also from the face of My son Marcos, showing everyone the anguish and atrocious agony that our two hearts suffer for the loss of so many souls, for the hardness of heart and for the lack of love of so many souls.

Tears from Heaven, coming down from the eyes of My images, My pictures and the pictures of My son Marcos, to show all My children that the time of mercy is running out. And soon those who will weep will be those who persist in sin, because the door of mercy will be closed to them and they will no longer be able to enter.

Tears from heaven, coming down from My eyes and also from the face and eyes of My son Marcos, to show everyone that the time has come. The wheat has unfortunately perished, the harvest has unfortunately been lost and there have been no workers to plant it, cultivate it and harvest it.

Therefore, there is nothing left but to burn it now so that everything that has perished is truly eliminated, to make way for a new harvest that will have to be established and planted by the blazing fire of the Holy Spirit at the Second Pentecost that is already approaching.

So convert without delay, change your life, return to the sources! To the sources of prayer, sacrifice and penance. To the wellsprings of first love. To the sources of true consecration to My Immaculate Heart.

Living as the saints who loved and taught Me most and as My son Marcos has taught here for over 33 years: live in Me, live for Me, die for Me and everything, entrust everything to Me, give everything to Me, expect everything from Me, be everything in Me, live a life hidden in love in Me.

Yes, yes, My son Marcos, everyone who unites themselves deeply to you will assimilate the Flame of Love that I have placed in your heart and will even assimilate its great Flame of Love capable of producing great and voluminous merits.

Yes, whoever throws himself into the furnace merges with what is there and whoever throws himself into the furnace, into the Flame of Love that is in his heart, will merge and assimilate his feelings and his own love for Me.

In this way, he will also produce great and copious merits. Blessed is the soul who understands this spiritual secret and who knows and is able to do this, because they will also become like you, an unceasing Flame of Love, a most loving soul who raises a wave of love, a flame, a fire of love every day on Earth towards Heaven.

Then you will give Me and the Lord perfect love, true and perfect praise, and this will attract the Holy Spirit at the Second World Pentecost, which should soon take place all over the Earth.

Yes, My son, I also welcome the offering you made this morning and I pour out upon your father Carlos Tadeu and all those who are here copious blessings together with the Father.

Yes, yes, the promise you made was very pleasing to Me and many who have also asked Me for graces through the merits of your films, Rosaries and works of love will receive them.

In this way, I will show all of humanity My glory, My love and My power in this place. And also, I will make everyone, all My children, not only recognize how much they owe to Me, but also recognize that all the graces they receive here they owe to you, they owe to you.

Many years ago I ordered you to dig the fountain in the place I pointed out. Why did I do this through your hands and not directly? So that all the people who have been healed or received graces through My fountain would be obliged not only to love and be grateful to Me, but also to love and be grateful to you through whose hands I have given the whole world an inexhaustible fountain of graces.

And now, together with My source, I am giving humanity this other inexhaustible source of graces, which is the source of your merits, which are the merits of your works of love. Anyone who asks for graces for this will receive them in abundance and in this way, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

Keep praying My Rosary every day! Spread My La Salette message more, giving My son Marcos' films to all My children who don't have them.

Attack My enemy by praying the meditated Rosary no. 159 three times and giving it to three of My children who don't have it.

Also, give the movie La Salette no. 2 and La Salette no. 4 to three of My children who don't have it, so that My children will know My message of La Salette as soon as possible and so that the tears will stop coming down from My eyes and instead a smile of joy and happiness will appear on My face for the salvation, for the conversion of My children.

Yes, Maximino and Melania bless you today, beloved Marcos, and tell you that they are always by your side and will never, ever leave you. You are their property, just as you are Mine, and they will always protect and guard you from all harm.

Yes, with the four La Salette films you made, you took away the painful swords that were stuck in My heart, because denial, contempt and forgetfulness of My Apparition of La Salette were truly the swords of pain that made Me suffer the most.

Denying and despising La Salette, this apparition, was what made Me suffer the most, and you took those swords of pain out of My heart and gave Me unheard-of glory and joy.

For this reason, whatever My children ask of Me for the merits of those films you made and whatever you yourself ask will be given, will be granted.

You loved Me so much, you suffered so much to make them and at the same time you suffered building this house for Me, carrying such heavy stones and concrete to give Me a roof over My head.

That is why, My son, I have built you a beautiful dwelling in Heaven, made with stones from your merits and also from the merits of My Tears shed on the mountain of La Salette. And with these stones I have built you a beautiful dwelling full of light where you will be happy with Me forever.

Pray the Rosary of My Tears every day. On September 19, the anniversary of My Apparitions in La Salette, pray the Rosary of My Little Shepherds and the Rosary of Tears meditated on No. 22. I will pour out 50 special graces on everyone that day if you do so.

I bless you all with love: from La Salette, from Syracuse, from Pontmain and from Jacareí.

Here in My new and last La Salette, in the works of My little son Marcos, I am consoled and glorified. And through his works of love, My Immaculate Heart and the Catholic Faith will finally triumph!”

"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"

The Face of Love of Our Lady

Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.

Information: +55 12 99701-2427

Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP

Video of the Apparition

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Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...

The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí

The Miracle of the Sun and of the Candle

Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei

Holy Hours given by Our Lady in Jacarei

The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

The Apparition of Our Lady at La Salette

The Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes




